(Congressional Quarterly, 2004)
41%—Percentage of congressional votes in 2003 where Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton agreed with President George Bush.
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004)
23%—Percentage of Americans who say they smoke cigarettes.
(New York Post, 2004)
$1.7 billion —Cost to build the new Time-Warner Center facility in New York City.
(New York Post, 2004)
$350 million —Estimated cost to build the Sept 11 memorial in New York City.
(Newsweek, 2004)
35 million —Calculated distance in miles between Earth and Mars.
(Rasmussen Reports, 2004)
39%—Percentage of Americans who expect to see humans walk on Mars in their lifetime.
(Time, 2004)
$700 billion —Estimated total cost for a manned mission to Mars.
(National Journal, 2004)
$15.5 billion —NASA's current annual operating budget.
(Congressional Budget Office, 2004)
22.5 million —Total number of US federal, state, and local government employees.
(Gallup Poll, 2004)
47%—Percentage of Americans who find it difficult to pay for health care.