

Physician's Money Digest

April15 2004
Issue 7

In Memoriam

Physician's Money Digest,

Arky Gonzalez, who coauthored manytravel articles with his wife Maureen-Brigid for died onMarch 11, 2004, after a prolonged strugglewith melanoma. A travel writer and friend,Carl Purcell, comments on his passing:

Arturo "Arky" Gonzalez, recognized as oneof the best freelance travel journalists in thebusiness and former president of the Society ofAmerican Travel Writers, lived life to thefullest. If someplace was worth writing about,Arky had been there and done it, with brilliance.To travel with him, share his adventures,and sit at his table was an Algonquinexperience. His stories and often-repeatedjokes were legendary. He sometimes wore a Tshirtcaptioned, "Will write for food."


He was born in Brooklyn, NY, on June 5,1928. He graduated from Brown Universitywith top honors and went on to serve as anofficer in the US Navy. After his service,his flair for words and love of writing landedhim a job ghost writing the "Letter fromthe Publisher" for magazine.



Maclean's Magazine

Time, LIFE,Fortune, Reader's Digest,

InternationalHerald Tribune,

USA Today International.

Asia Magazine

Arky later became a correspondent for magazine and was the first Europeancorrespondent for magazine. He wasalso affiliated with ofCanada and McGraw-Hill. As a publishingexecutive, he was in charge of promotion,circulation, and marketing for the and At another point in his career, he wascofounder of the prestigious in Hong Kong.

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