

Physician's Money Digest
January31 2004
Volume 11
Issue 2

Did You Know…

(New York Times, 2003)

1875—Number of Americans still missing from the Vietnam War.

(Roll Call, 2003)

$93,841—Annual salary (US dollars) for members of the British Houseof Commons.

(Roll Call, 2003)

$204,000—Annual salary (US dollars) for members of the JapaneseParliament.

(WallStreet Journal, 2003)

$420,000—Current annual salary for the president of AARP.

(Gallup Poll, 2003)

57%—Percentage of Americans who want stronger regulations forWall Street.

(Harris Poll, 2003)

65%—Percentage of Americans who own a cell phone.

(Associated Press, 2003)

13.5%—Percentage of Medicare claims submitted by internists that arein error.

(Gallup Poll, 2003)

75%—Percentage of Americans who think the assassination of PresidentJohn F. Kennedy was part of a conspiracy.

(Time, 2003)

62%—Percentage of US workers who say they have had an officeromance.

(New York Times, 2003)

12,187—Number of taxicabs in New York City.

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