If you're tired of the snail-like growthin your practice income, maybe youshould apply for the president's slot atyour college alma mater. According to areport from the Chronicle of HigherEducation (www.chronicle.com), 27presidents at private colleges made$500,000 or more in 2002, up fromabout a dozen in 2000. At the head ofthe salary parade is Shirley Ann Jacksonof Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,with an annual income of more than$890,000. Gordon Gee, president ofVanderbilt University, is in second place,taking home more than $852,000 ayear, while Judith Rodin of the Universityof Pennsylvania has an annualincome of more than $845,000. TheChronicle estimates that including paymentsfor service on corporate boardswould put all three presidents into theseven-figure income bracket.