One positive:
If there's a Hall of Fame for losingmutual funds, a slot should be reservedfor the Frontier Equity fund. With an8% upfront sales load and a whopping42.3% expense ratio, the fund has managedto take its shareholders on a steepdownhill run over the past 3 years. Ifyou had put $10,000 into the fund inJanuary 2000, it would be worth about$2000 today. The fund recently turnedto Chris Lahiji, a 20-year-old onlinestock guru, to boost its performance.Lahiji, who has managed his ownonline hypothetical mutual fund forseveral years, is the youngest personever to professionally manage a mutualfund. Whether he can orchestrate aturnaround for Frontier remains to beseen. Lahiji will workwithout pay, so his salary won't add toFrontier Equity fund's high-altitudeexpense ratio.