(JAMA, 2003)
22%—Percentage decline in the number of medical school applicationsover the past 5 years.
(NewYork Times, 2003)
$919,959 —Average going price for an apartment in Manhattan.
(Fortune, 2003)
210,000 —Number of Mercedes-Benz autos sold annually in the UnitedStates.
(Harris Poll, 2003)
79%—Percentage of Americans who believe in God.
(USA Today, 2003)
64%—Percentage of Americans who trust banks/credit unions to protecttheir personal finance information.
(USA Today, 2003)
8%—Percentage of Americans who trust the federal/state governmentto protect their personal finance information.
(Congressional Budget Office, 2003)
$374 billion —Projected US federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2003.
(AssociatedPress, 2003)
$158,000 —Annual salary for members of the US Congress.
(Money, 2003)
59%—Percentage of all produced motion pictures that make money.
(Time, 2003)
60%—Percentage of Americans who suffer from some sort of sleepdisorder.