Cinema Consults: THE IN-LAWS

Physician's Money DigestNovember30 2003
Volume 10
Issue 22

This film, which can be rentedfrom your local video store, israted on a scale of 1 to 4 caducei:


(2003): I feel as though this comedyflew just under the radar. And that's ashame, because a lot of theatergoers missed out ona good time. Billed as a comedy/spy film, thismovie stars the unlikely duo of Michael Douglasand Albert Brooks. I have alwaysenjoyed the performances of these 2actors separately and really had noexpectations for their onscreen pairing.I was very pleasantly surprised.Brooks plays Dr. Jerry Preyser, anuptight but mild-mannered podiatristwhose daughter is about tomarry the son of Douglas' character,Steve Tobias, an undercover agentfor the CIA. Fish-out-of-water comedyensues as Dr. Preyser becomesentangled in the secret underworldof spies, international arms dealers,and danger—all while trying to planthe perfect wedding for his daughter.There are many twists and turnsmixed in with some raucous, mistakenidentity comedy involving theuptight and out-of-place Dr. Preyser.The plot is far-fetched and thedetails are a bit sketchy, but thereare plenty of laughs to have alongthe way. Brooks is at his neuroticbest and Douglas is cock-sure and atreat to watch.

Rating: 2 1/2

Lisa A. Tomaszewski, managing editorof Physician's Money Digest, is currentlyworking on her PhD in literature atDrew University in New Jersey. She isan avid fan of film and has taught asummer film course at FairleighDickinson University. She welcomesquestions, comments, or suggestions forfuture film reviews at 732-656-1140ext 195 or

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