If you go back 5 years, the returnson your portfolio may not look quiteso bleak. Even though the S&P 500has slipped 4.8% since January 1998,that's small change compared withthe double-digit losses it's racked upin the past 3 years. The Dow hasactually gained ground over the past5 years, up 10.3%. For the luckyinvestors able to pick winners fromthe wreckage, 9 companies haveposted stock price gains of more than1000% since 1998, includingDynacq International, which operatessurgical-specialty hospitals, up3000%. According to ThompsonFinancial, which tracks 1500 stocks,33 companies have lost 80% of theirmarket value in the past 5 years. Redink also prevailed at the Nasdaq,where the bottom 100 of the stockslisted on the exchange lost more than95% of their value in 5 years.