If you automatically put credit cardmailings through the shredder, youmay want to stop and look at somedeals card issuers are offering. Tovery good prospects, some card companiesare pushing what amounts toan interest-free loan for up to 15months. Most of the offers, likeCitibank's AT&T Universal Card (888-264-9100), let you transfer a balancefrom another card and pay no intereston the new account for a set timeperiod. MBNA's Elite Rewards PlatinumPlus MasterCard (800-932-2775),however, will let you take a cashadvance with no interest for 9months. Warning: Don't use the newcard to buy more stuff—the 0% interestmay not apply and the card issuermay make you pay up any transferredbalance before applying any paymentsto the new charges.