Taming the PaperTiger at Home
When company's coming, do youhide papers in drawers, and laterwonder where you put the Visa bill?Do you file an extension on yourincome tax year after year? If thatsounds like you,then you need thehelp of BarbaraHemphill, a professionalorganizingguru and author of (KiplingerBooks; 2002). "Effective organizationrequires making appointmentswith yourself for accomplishingorganizing tasks," Hemphillsays. Among the tools required foreffective home paperwork organizationare: a work surface and computerarea, good lighting, a comfortablechair, a space for projectfiles, a reference book shelf, boxesfor "In," "Out," and "File," and alarge wastebasket. Hemphill ProductivityInstitute offers a wide varietyof practical organizational softwareprograms. For more informationcall 800-427-0237, or visitwww.productiveenvironment.com.