This film, which can be rentedfrom your local video store, israted on a scale of 1 to 4 caducei:
The Shining
The Ring
(2002): As ateenager I was ahuge fan of horrorflicks. My enthusiasmfor the genre,however, soon beganto fade. Basically,I haven't beenimpressed with horror(excluding thrillers)since —then Isaw . This film is not forthe faint of heart. I watched it inbroad daylight and was stillspooked for over a week. The plotsurrounds an urban legend abouta videotape that, when played,kills its viewer in 7 days. The filmisn't gratuitously gory or violent,but the images and sounds it displaysare unsettling. The cinematographyis as beautiful as it iseerie, and the symbolism that canbe traced throughout the filmgives it depth beyond your typicalscream-flick. The acting isn't badeither. Naomi Watts, who plays areporter investigating the fatalvideo, and David Dorfman, whoplays her too independent, youngson, do a good job creating believablecharacters in unbelievablesituations. The story leaves alot of unanswered questions, butthat may be to its credit. MaybeI'm out of practice when it comesto watching horror films, but thisone scared me out of my wits. Ifyou like horror films that aremore freaky than bloody, don'tmiss this one.
Rating: 3
Lisa A. Tomaszewski, managing editor ofPhysician's Money Digest, is currentlyworking on her PhD in literature at DrewUniversity in New Jersey. She is an avidfan of film and has taught a summer filmcourse at Fairleigh Dickinson University.She welcomes questions, comments, orsuggestions for future film reviews at732-656-1140 ext 195 or