Newly minted physicians mustnavigate a sea of career questions.What kind of practice do you want tobe in? What is a fair compensation inyour specialty? What are the demographicsfor your specialty? What specialtiesare in demand? How do yousuccessfully go about looking for amedical practice that suits you?
This is just a small sampling of thequestions you can get answers to, a Web siterun by the MHA Group, parent ofMerritt, Hawkins & Associates, whichis 1 of the largest physician recruitmentcompanies in the nation. TheWeb site is designed to help residentsand new doctors make informed,positive career choices.
The wealth of information at theWeb site includes insights into contractsand interviewing techniques,as well as statistics on physiciancompensation. A search engine helpssingle out job opportunities thatmatch your criteria, while a staffingslide rule zeros in on the number ofdoctors in active practice by specialty,along with the percentage thatare board certified. The site's libraryalso includes articles on obtainingstate medical licensure and workingwith physician recruitment firms.You can surf the site for a comprehensivedatabase of practice opportunities,listed by specialty and geographicarea.