(Harris Poll, 2003)
21%—Percentage of Americans who say they have "seriously considered" suicide.
(Legal Times, 2003)
$80,000—Average educational debt accumulated by law school graduates.
Reports, 2003)
$96—Average veterinarian's bill for a house pet (dog/cat) care visit.
(Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2003)
50%—Percentage of American adults who have been tested for HIV.
(US Surgeon
General's Office, 2003)
60%—Percentage of Americans who are obese or overweight.
(FBI, 2003)
16,107—Number of murders in the United States in 2002.
(US Census Bureau, 2003)
$5240—Amount the average US household spends on food in 1 year.
Energy Department, 2003)
$1.52—Average national price today for a gallon of gasoline.
(Harris Poll, 2003)
85%—Percentage of Americans who think supermarkets do a good job of serving their customers.
(Harris Poll, 2003)
30%—Percentage of Americans who think managed care companies do a good job of serving their customers.