Financial Planning
Handbook for Physicians and Advisors:
An Integrated Approach
Who better to providephysician-investors withan integrated approach tofinancial planning than a formerprivate practitioner with adegree in business? And whenit comes to such an ideal circumstance,you'll be hardpressed to find another authoras experienced as Dr. David E. Marcinko.In an attempt to arm today's physicianinvestorswith the necessary tools andknowledge to create a successful financialplan, Dr. Marcinko has compiled theperfect tome, ($54.95; Jonesand Bartlett Publishers; 2005).
Financial Planning Handbook for
Physicians and Advisors
Bottom line:
Of course, as the title implies, thishandbook isn't just for physicianinvestorsdetermined to understand thefinancial world a little better, it's also foradvisors. But this doesn't take away fromthe fact that this book is written for doctors.Divided into 10 chapters, thecovers such topicsas insurance, income taxes, medical officetax strategies, retirement planning, andestate planning. There's also achapter on the do's and don'tsof selecting a financial advisor.You'll find everythingyou're looking for, andyou'll find it easily.
Dr. Marcinko has created areader-friendly financial handbookthat breaks each chapterdown in the table of contents subject-bysubject,page-by-page. And in additionto thoroughly covering the subjects discussedwithin it, each chapter is also easyto navigate. For example, chapter topicsare neatly divided by alphabetical subheadsand there's just the right amountof space on the pages to avoid informationoverload. Adding to the success ofthis handbook are the many physicianspecificexamples, exercises, tables,charts, planning notes, cautions, andWeb site addresses scattered throughout.
So, if you're in the market for afinancial planning handbook thatcaters to professional healers, check outDr. Marcinko's latest work. You won'tbe disappointed. There's something forevery doctor who's interested in financialsecurity.