Feet-Friendly Skies

Physician's Money DigestJune2005
Volume 12
Issue 9

Discounters dominate:

Whether it's for business or pleasure,a good trip aboard an airplane starts offwith a comfortable ride. As you've probablynoticed, however, comfort in thefriendly skies isn't as easy to come bythese days. It appears the golden age ofaircraft luxury, when passengers werenot only free to move about the cabinbut also free to move their legs about, islong gone. If you're tired of or no longerwilling to pay exuberant prices for firstratefirst-class service yet still want toenjoy the luxury of legroom at 30,000feet, you can still catch a break.Saving a fewbucks on airfare by buying your ticketsfrom a discount airline like JetBlue orDelta Song can also save you some extraspace onboard. With so much competitionamong carriers for better ticketprices, some of the bigger airlines arescaling down fares and adding moreseats. Of course, more seats mean lesslegroom, which can make it difficult toenjoy the plane ride.

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