Radon—a naturally occurring,odorless, radioactive gas—can causecancer. It is estimated that 7% ofAmerican homes are contaminatedwith it. Since you can't see or smellradon, you need special equipmentto detect it. While do-it-yourselfradon detection kits are available,they aren't always precise. A professionalinspection can provide youwith an accurate measurement for aslittle as $100. If radon is detected,you may be able to get away with acheap and simple solution, like repairingleaks or cracks in the foundation,walls, or floors. More complexproblems may need more expensivefixes, like air-to-air exchangers, subslabsuction devices, or fans toeffectively push the radon outdoors.For more information, go to www.nationalinspection.net and click on"Radon Articles."