50%—Percentage of 12-to 17-year-oldswho say drugs and alcohol areavailable at teen parties. (Time, 2006)
80%—Percentage of parents whodon't think marijuana or alcohol isavailable at teen parties. (Time, 2006)
50%—Percentage of Utahresidents who volunteered in 2003—the highest state percentage.(Newsweek, 2006)
21%—Percentage of Nevadaresidents who volunteered in 2003—the lowest state percentage.(Newsweek, 2006)
$261—Average daily cost tosupport a family of four with housingand food. (Kiplinger's, 2006)
6.7%—Percentage of fast foodmeals eaten between 9 PM andmidnight. (Advertising Age, 2006)
32%—Percentage of people whosaid quitting smoking was the toughesttask—with saving for retirementonly 1% behind. (Money, 2006)
24%—Percentage of income usedto pay debt by workers aged 25 to 34.(Media Counsel to the AICPA)
75%—Percentage of Americanswho think credit card fraud is identitytheft. (Experian-Gallup Personal CreditIndex Topline Report, 2006)15%—Percentage of lower gasmileage that automobiles get fromethanol gas, adding 8% to the totalfueling cost for an ethanol-poweredcar. (Money, 2006)