Accumulating epidemiological, biological, and mechanistic evidence has shown that adipose tissue is an active endocrine and metabolic organ that plays a critical role in the development of cardiometabolic risk factors, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Accumulating epidemiological, biological, and mechanistic evidence has shown that adipose tissue is an active endocrine and
metabolic organ that plays a critical role in the development of cardiometabolic risk factors, diabetes, and cardiovascular
disease. Adipose tissue and visceral
adipose tissue are sources of free fatty
acids and secrete a variety of biologically
active factors involved in the regulation of
lipid and glucose metabolism and energy
homeostasis. Excess intra-abdominal
adiposity contributes to the development
of multiple cardiometabolic risk factors
through increased flux of free fatty acids
in the portal circulation and dysregulation
of multiple adipocytokines that contribute
to altered energy metabolism and a
proinflammatory state. These cytokines
include adiponectin, leptin, interleukin-6,
tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and plasminogen
activator-1. Macrophage accumulation in
adipose tissue also promotes obesityassociated
inflammation and its sequelae,
including endothelial dysfunction, insulin
resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension,
diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Rapidly
advancing scientific research is elucidating
novel pathways and physiologic systems
that regulate energy balance and intraabdominal
KEY POINT: Intra-abdominal adiposity is
now known to be an important contributor
to the development of cardiovascular
disease and diabetes. Adipose
tissue is a highly active endocrine organ
that secretes factors that regulate lipid
and glucose metabolism and energy
homeostasis. Excess visceral adiposity
contributes to the pathophysiology of
insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia,
hypertension, and prothrombotic
and proinflammatory states. Thus,
the issues of excess intra-abdominal
adiposity go beyond the cosmetic.
Obesity is a problem of epidemic proportions
in the United States, with nearly
two thirds of American adults overweight
or obese.1 Along with upward trends
in general obesity, more and more
Americans have become abdominally
obese, with excess weight located in the
midsection. This is evidenced by National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) data showing that the ageadjusted
mean waist circumference
increased 3.0 cm in men and 3.2 cm in
women between the NHANES surveys of
1988-1994 and 1999-2000. During the
same interval, the age-adjusted prevalence
of high waist circumference (>102
cm in men and >88 cm in women) in
the United States increased from 29.5%
to 36.9% in men and from 46.7% to
55.1% in women.2 This high prevalence
of intra-abdominal adiposity is now under
increasing scrutiny as a contributor to
the development of cardiometabolic risk,
which includes cardiovascular disease
(CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Adipose tissue, once considered an
inert depot for fat, is now known to be
a highly active metabolic and endocrine organ.3,4 Adipose tissue is an active
source of free fatty acids and secretes
a variety of cytokines, called adipocytokines,
that play key roles in the
regulation of lipoprotein and glucose
metabolism and energy homeostasis.
Adipocytokines include leptin, adiponectin,
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha,
interleukin (IL)-6, and plasminogen activator
inhibitor (PAI)-1.3,4 TNF-alpha and
IL-6 inhibit insulin receptor signaling and
block insulin action.4 Interestingly, this
effect of TNF-alpha on insulin signaling
is counterbalanced by another adipocytokine,
When visceral adipose tissue accumulates
in excess, it contributes to the
pathophysiology of multiple cardiometabolic
risk factors, including insulin
resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia,
hypertension, and prothrombotic and proinflammatory
states.4,6,7 Visceral adiposity
is a significant independent predictor
of insulin sensitivity,8-12 impaired glucose
tolerance,13 elevated blood pressure,14-16
and dyslipidemia.10,17-24
Overview of
Abdominal Fat Depots
Abdominal fat contains several discrete
anatomic depots: subcutaneous fat can
be categorized into either anterior and
posterior or superficial and deep; intraabdominal
fat includes both intraperitoneal
and retroperitoneal (or extraperitoneal)
sites. Intraperitoneal fat, often called
visceral fat, is composed of mesenteric
and omental fat masses. Although the
absolute volume of each of these depots
is much larger in upper-body obese than
in lean persons, the relative amount of
abdominal fat with respect to total body
mass is often similar in both groups.25
The nomenclature and anatomy of
abdominal fat depots are illustrated in
Figure 1.
The relative size of adipose tissue compartments
has been reported in a body
composition study by Chowdhury et al.26
Computed tomography imaging was
used in eight healthy males to measure
compartment sizes at the tissue and
organ levels. The study subjects were
aged 21-42 years with body-mass indices
(BMIs) ranging from 18.6 to 25.3
kg/m2; four subjects were of Indian
origin and four were Swedes. Results
showed that the distribution of adipose
tissue compartments was as follows:
true subcutaneous fat, 66.8%; visceral
fat, 20.7%; subcutaneous intramuscular
fat, 12.2%; and 0.3%, subcutaneous
extraperitoneal triangular fat pad.26
KEY POINT: Intra-abdominal fat volume
varies among ethnic populations.
African Americans appear to have
less visceral fat than Caucasians and
Hispanics, and Asians and Japanese
have more visceral fat than Caucasians.
It should be recognized that there are
ethnic differences in abdominal visceral
fat volume. The literature suggests that
African Americans have less abdominal
visceral fat than Caucasians and
Hispanics, and Asians and Japanese
have more abdominal visceral fat than
Caucasians. Various studies have
reported that visceral adipose tissue
volume is lower in African American
women27-31 and men30 vs white women
and men. In a cohort from the Insulin
Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS),
Wagenknecht et al11 reported that
Hispanics had higher visceral adipose
tissue volume than African Americans
for similar or lower BMI. Tanaka et al32
reported that Japanese had a greater
amount of abdominal visceral fat relative
to abdominal subcutaneous fat than
Caucasians, confirming a similar finding
in Asian American women by Park et al.33
Visceral fat secretes higher levels of
certain adipokines than does subcutaneous
adipose tissue, including interleukin
(IL)-6 (a potent inflammatory cytokine),
vascular endothelial growth factor (an
important protein involved in angiogenesis),
and plasminogen activator inhibitor
(PAI)-1 (the primary inhibitor of fibrinolysis).
34-36 Products released from visceral
adipose tissue travel directly to the liver
via the portal circulation,so individuals
with excess intra-abdominal adiposity
may be inundating their livers with
inflammatory cytokines and excess free
fatty acids.
Adiposity: Link to
Cardiometabolic Risk
In recent years, accumulating evidence
has demonstrated higher cardiovascular
and metabolic risk associated with
intra-abdominal adiposity compared
with general obesity. Visceral adipose
tissue, deposited in the intra-abdominal
region, predicts health risks associated with obesity (Figure 2 and Table 1).
Epidemiological studies have shown that
high waist circumference, an easily identifiable
marker for intraabdominal adiposity,
increases this risk of CVD and T2DM.
Intra-Abdominal Adiposity
as a Predictor of
Cardiovascular Disease
KEY POINT: Longitudinal studies demonstrate
that increased waist circumference,
an easily identifiable marker for
intra-abdominal adiposity, elevates the
risk of CVD.
Dagenais et al39 demonstrated that the
risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial
infarction (MI), and all-cause death
increased in parallel with an increasing
waist circumference in a study of 6,620
men and 2,182 women with stable CVD
but no congestive heart failure participating
in the Heart Outcomes Prevention
Evaluation (HOPE) trial. The authors
concluded that obesity, particularly intraabdominal
adiposity, worsens the prognosis
of patients with CVD, as shown in
Figure 3 (on the next page).
In the female-cohort Nurses’ Health
Study, Rexrode et al40 found that high
waist circumference was associated
with an increased risk of coronary heart
disease (CHD). Responses from 44,702
women aged 40 to 65 years who were
free of CHD, stroke, and cancer as of
1986 were analyzed, with follow-up in
1994. The primary outcome was the
incidence of CHD, defined as nonfatal MI
or CHD death. During the 8-year evaluation
period, there were 320 CHD events.
After adjustment for BMI and existing
cardiac risk factors, high waist circumference
was found to be independently
associated with increased relative risk of
CHD in women with BMI ≤25 kg/m2. As
shown in Figure 4 (on the next page), a
woman with a waist circumference of 30
to 32 inches had a twofold higher risk of
CHD, compared with a normal waist circumference
of <28 inches. Women in the
highest waist-circumference range (35 to
56 inches) had a relative risk of 2.44,40
Measures of intra-abdominal adiposity
are predictive of CVD, as reported by
Dagenais and Rexrode; studies also suggested
that waist circumference is a
better prognostic indicator of CVD than
overall obesity as measured by BMI.41
Lakka and colleagues analyzed CVD
outcomes in 1,346 Finnish men with
no history of CVD at baseline. BMI was
measured as an indicator of overall obesity,
while waist-hip ratio and waist circumference
were measured as indicators
of abdominal obesity. Average follow-up
time was 10.6 years, with a total of 123
coronary events being documented. Men
in the three higher quartiles of waisthip
ratio had nearly a threefold greater
risk of coronary events than men in the
lowest quartile. Men in the two highest
quartiles of waist circumference had
an approximate twofold risk of events
compared with those in the lowest two
quartiles, demonstrating a significant
linear correlation between waist circumference
and number of events. BMI was less consistently associated with CVD
risk than either waist-hip ratio or waist
Further evidence for the role of intraabdominal
adiposity as a key predictor
of CVD comes from the landmark
the first large, international study to
establish that obesity is a cardiovascular
risk factor that is statistically significant
across the world’s populations. All
patients admitted to the coronary care
unit or equivalent cardiology ward were
screened for a first MI at 262 participating
centers in 52 countries throughout
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the
Middle East, and North and South
America. Study results identified nine
potentially modifiable risk factors that
affected men and women of different
ethnic groups consistently, including
smoking, hypertension, diabetes, lack
of physical activity, low intake of fruits
and vegetables, and abdominal obesity.
Combined, these risk factors accounted
for >90% of the risk of an initial acute
MI, indicating the importance of a
healthy lifestyle in reducing the risk
of CVD. In a subsequent prespecified
analysis of INTERHEART, it was determined
that waist circumference was
a more powerful predictor of obesityassociated
CVD risk level than any other
single measure of obesity (eg, BMI) or
constellation of measures (eg, metabolic
Taken together, the above studies suggest
that intra-abdominal adiposity is a
potent identifier of future cardiometabolic
risk leading to CVD, and that high waist
circumference is a predictive measure of
central obesity.
Intra-Abdominal Adiposity
as a Predictor of Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus
KEY POINT: Longitudinal studies demonstrate
that increased waist circumference,
a marker for intra-abdominal adiposity,
elevates the risk of T2DM.
In addition to its association with CVD,
high waist circumference has also been
shown in epidemiological studies to be
a predictor of T2DM. In a female cohort
from the Nurses’ Health Study, Carey et
al43 reported that high waist circumference
was associated with increased
risk of T2DM. Among 43,581 women
who in 1986 provided waist, hip, and
weight measurements and who were free
from diabetes and other major chronic
illnesses, the incidence of T2DM was
followed from 1986 to 1994. Results
showed a strong positive association
between waist circumference and the
incidence of diabetes, as shown in Figure
5. Women with a waist circumference
≥38 inches had a diabetes risk of 22.4,
relative to women with a normal waist
circumference (<28 inches). Other obesity
measures studied included BMI and
waist-to-hip ratio; both of these were also
found to be independent determinants of
T2DM in this population. The sharpest
risk gradient was documented with waist
circumference, indicating that it is a
powerful independent predictor of T2DM
in women.
In the prospective male-cohort Health
Professionals Follow-up Study, Wang et
al44 evaluated BMI, waist-hip ratio, and
waist circumference as predictors of
T2DM in 27,270 participants. As Figure
6 (on the next page) illustrates, all three
measures strongly and independently predicted the risk of T2DM. Of note,
intra-abdominal adiposity as measured by
waist circumference was a better predictor
than was waist-hip ratio or BMI.
These epidemiological and biochemical
data demonstrate the clear role
that intra-abdominal adiposity plays in
elevating cardiometabolic risk leading to
Association of Intra-
Abdominal Adiposity With
Cardiometabolic Risk
KEY POINT: Intra-abdominal adiposity is
associated with multiple cardiometabolic
risk factors.
In light of the overall association of intraabdominal
adiposity with CVD and T2DM,
it is not surprising that visceral fat has
also been shown to be independently
associated with cardiometabolic risk factors.
Visceral adipose tissue is associated
with dyslipidemia, insulin resistance,
elevated blood glucose, hypertension,
and prothrombotic and proinflammatory
states,4 as depicted in Figure 7.
In a large study of healthy men and
women, Carr et al24 evaluated the differential
effects of body fat distribution
and insulin sensitivity on the features of
the metabolic syndrome (defined by Adult
Treatment Panel III criteria: blood pressure
≥130/85 mm Hg, waist circumference
>102 cm in men and >88 cm in women,
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDLC]
<40 mg/dL in men and <50 mg/dL in
women, triglycerides >150 mg/dL, and
fasting plasma glucose ≥110 mg/dL).
Results showed that both intra-abdominal
adiposity and insulin resistance were
significant correlates of the metabolic syndrome.
However, intra-abdominal fat area
was independently associated with all five
components of the metabolic syndrome,
while insulin sensitivity was independently
associated with only three components
(HDL-C, triglycerides, and fasting plasma
glucose). Of note, abdominal subcutaneous
fat area was independently correlated
with only one of the metabolic syndrome
components (waist circumference) after
adjusting for intra-abdominal fat area and
insulin sensitivity.
Various studies have shown that intraabdominal
adiposity, but not abdominal
subcutaneous fat, is independently
associated with insulin resistance,18
lower HDL-C,18,19 higher apolipoprotein
B18,19 and triglyceride levels,18,19
smaller low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
particles,22 aortic stiffness,45 coronary
artery calcification,46 and higher blood
pressure.14-16 These associations of
increased intra-abdominal fat with a
more atherogenic lipoprotein profile
have been reported by various investigators
using different data analyses, as
summarized in Table 2.
Evidence suggests that individuals with
metabolic syndrome who have visceral fat
accumulation as an underlying pathology have more severe insulin resistance
and a higher risk of arteriosclerosis, as
compared to individuals with metabolic
syndrome without visceral fat accumulation.
47 Further suggesting a pathophysiological
role for visceral fat accumulation
in cardiometabolic risk, Salmenniemi et
al48 demonstrated for the first time that
insulin resistance in people with the
metabolic syndrome is seen not only in
skeletal muscle but also in adipose tissue,
leading to
multiple defects in glucose and energy
metabolism, hypoadiponectinemia,
and elevated levels of proinflammatory
cytokines and adhesion molecules. The
biochemical rationale for a causative
pathophysiologic role of intra-abdominal
adiposity in cardiometabolic risk is discussed
in the next section.
Adipose Tissue as an
Endocrine Organ:
Evidence for a
Contributing Role in
Cardiometabolic Risk
KEY POINT: In excess, visceral fat is
considered to be a high-risk fat.
Intra-abdominal adipose tissue is a
highly active metabolic and endocrine
organ, expressing cytokines that play
a significant regulatory role in lipid
and glucose metabolism and energy
The precise mechanism behind the
increased cardiometabolic risk from
abdominal adiposity vs subcutaneous
adiposity is not known, but numerous
studies support a role for abdominal fat.
The link to insulin resistance is partly
explained by the increased levels of
free fatty acids that typically accompany
excess abdominal adiposity.49 Visceral
fat is connected by the portal venous
system to the liver, allowing direct flux
of free fatty acids into the liver. It is suggested
that elevated levels of free fatty
acids inhibit the insulin-signaling mechanism,
which causes decreased glucose
transport to skeletal muscle. Free
fatty acids also play a mediating role
between insulin resistance and beta-cell
dysfunction.49 Abdominal obesity is also
associated with decreased levels of
adiponectin, the hormone expressed by
adipocytes, which also contributes to
insulin resistance.50 Elevated C-reactive
protein (CRP) is believed to be triggered
by excess abdominal adiposity; it is
indicative of inflammation in the body
and has been shown to be predictive
of CVD and insulin resistance.7 Obesity
has been shown to be associated with
the inflammation cascade, with macrophages
contained in adipose tissue
expressing a number of inflammatory
It is now clear that adipose tissue is a
complex and highly active metabolic
and endocrine organ.3,4 Adipose tissue
expresses and secretes diverse bioactive
factors (Table 3), including cytokines,
inflammatory mediators, fatty
acids, and adipokines such as leptin and
adiponectin, and most of these act at
both the local (autocrine/paracrine) and
systemic (endocrine) levels. In addition
to efferent signals, adipose tissue also
expresses various receptors that allow
it to respond to afferent signals from
traditional hormone systems as well as
from the central nervous system (eg,
insulin, glucagon, glucagon-like peptide
1, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormone,
and catecholamines).4 Adipose tissue
contains the metabolic mechanisms to
allow crosstalk with distant organs and
is integrally involved in coordinating a
variety of biological processes, including
energy metabolism (Figure 8) and neuroendocrine
The composition of adipose tissue and its role as a complex, hyperkinetic
endocrine organ offer insight into the
pathogenesis of cardiometabolic risk.
It is composed of adipocytes, a connective
tissue matrix, nerve tissue,
stromovascular cells, and immune
cells.4 Many of the proteins secreted
by adipose tissue act as a metabolic
signaling mechanism, interacting with
the central nervous system and organs
throughout the body.4 Characteristics
and effects of specific adipocytokines—
including adiponectin, leptin, IL-
6, TNF-alpha, and PAI-1—are described
in the next sections.
KEY POINT: Adiponectin is an adipocyte-
derived hormone that has antidiabetic,
antiinflammatory, and antiatherogenic
properties. Metabolic
effects of adiponectin have been
observed in the liver, muscle, vascular
wall, and endothelial cells.
Adiponectin levels are reduced in the
setting of obesity, particularly with
intra-abdominal fat accumulation.
One of the adipocytokines that appears
to be strongly associated with cardiometabolic
risk is adiponectin.
Adiponectin plays a key role in the regulation
of fat and glucose metabolism.50
This adipocyte-derived hormone has
insulin-sensitizing and antiatherogenic
properties. Adiponectin replenishment
has ameliorated insulin resistance in
insulin resistant mice,53 reduced atherosclerosis
in apolipoprotein-E—deficient
mice,54 and improved hypertension in
adiponectin-knockout mice.55 In humans,
clinical studies have demonstrated that
decreased adiponectin concentrations
are associated with the presence of
T2DM and CVD.56,57
Adiponectin is highly expressed in differentiated
adipocytes and circulates at
high levels in the bloodstream.58 Two
adiponectin receptors have been identified—
AdipoR1, expressed primarily in
muscle, and AdipoR2, expressed primarily
in liver.59 The biological effects of adiponectin
depend on not only the relative
circulating concentrations and properties
of the different adiponectin isoforms (eg,
full-length and globular), but also the tissue-
specific expression of the adiponectin
receptor subtypes.4
Several mechanisms for adiponectin’s
metabolic effects have been observed
in different tissues.4 In the liver, adiponectin
enhances insulin sensitivity,
decreases influx of nonesterified fatty
acids, increases fatty acid oxidation,
and reduces hepatic glucose output. In
muscle, adiponectin stimulates glucose
use and fatty acid oxidation. Within
the vascular wall, adiponectin inhibits
monocyte adhesion by decreasing adhesion-
molecule expression, inhibits macrophage
transformation to foam cells
by inhibiting expression of scavenger
receptors, and decreases proliferation
of migrating smooth muscle cells in
response to growth factors. Adiponectin
also increases nitric oxide production in
endothelial cells and stimulates angiogenesis.
These effects are mediated by
increased phosphorylation of the insulin
receptor, activation of AM-Pactivated
protein kinase, and modulation of the
nuclear factor kappa-B pathway.58,60
These data demonstrate that adiponectin
is a unique adipocyte-derived hormone
with antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory,
and antiatherogenic effects.4
Plasma adiponectin levels are reduced
in insulin-resistant states, including
obesity, T2DM, CVD, hypertension, and
metabolic syndrome.61 Xydakis and colleagues
evaluated the relationship of
adiponectin with inflammation, adiposity,
and insulin resistance in 40 subjects
with metabolic syndrome, compared
with 40 subjects without metabolic
syndrome.62 Adiponectin levels were
significantly lower in patients with metabolic
syndrome than in those without.
As illustrated in Figure 9, adiponectin
levels decreased and TNF-alpha levels
increased with the number of metabolic
syndrome factors present (high triglycerides,
low HDL-C, elevated blood pressure,
elevated blood glucose, and high
waist circumference).62
Genetic mutation studies of adiponectin
in humans and knockout mice demonstrate
that adiponectin may play a
key role in the prevention of metabolic
syndrome.4,5,54,63-67 Hypoadiponectinemia
together with the increase of TNF-alpha
or PAI-1 induced by the accumulation of
visceral obesity might be a major background
of vascular changes and metabolic
disorders that are characteristic of
the metabolic syndrome.67
Decreased plasma adiponectin levels
have been strongly associated with
insulin resistance, while increased
levels have been associated with
improved insulin sensitivity. In a study
of obese Japanese subjects with
T2DM and CVD, two conditions commonly
associated with insulin resistance
and hyperinsulinemia, plasma
levels of adiponectin were found to
be decreased.68 Conversely, increased
adiponectin levels have been determined
to be associated with improved
insulin sensitivity.58 Studying the relationships
between adiponectin, body
fat distribution, insulin sensitivity, and
lipoproteins, Cnop et al69 demonstrated
that adiponectin potentially links
intra-abdominal fat with insulin resistance
and an atherogenic lipid profile.
Simple regression analysis showed
that adiponectin was positively correlated
with age and insulin sensitivity,
and negatively correlated with BMI
and subcutaneous and intra-abdominal
fat. Adiponectin was negatively correlated
with triglycerides and positively
correlated with HDL-C and LDL
particle buoyancy. Multiple regression
analysis showed that adiponectin was
related to age, gender, and intraabdominal
fat. Insulin sensitivity was
related to intra-abdominal fat and adiponectin.
Both intra-abdominal fat and
adiponectin contributed independently
to triglycerides, HDL-C, and LDL-C
particle buoyancy. The data suggest
that adiponectin concentrations are
determined in part by intra-abdominal
fat mass.
KEY POINT: Leptin, a metabolic signal of
energy sufficiency, is secreted by adipocytes
in proportion to adipose tissue
volume and nutritional status. It exerts
multiple effects on energy homeostasis
through hypothalamic pathways and
peripheral pathways in the muscle and
pancreas. Obesity is often accompanied
by increased leptin levels and by
leptin resistance. Since leptin provides
feedback of energy sufficiency to central
appetite regulating mechanisms,
low levels can result in increased
appetite and decreased energy expenditure,
leading to weight gain.
Leptin is a circulating endocrine hormone
that communicates the status of
energy stores from the periphery to the
central nervous system; it is a metabolic
signal of energy sufficiency rather
than excess.4,70 Leptin is secreted by
adipocytes proportionally to adipose
tissue volume and nutritional status,
though its expression and secretion
are also regulated by other factors.4,71
Insulin, glucocorticoids, TNF-alpha,
and estrogens increase leptin; beta-
3—adrenergic activity, androgens,
free fatty acids, growth hormone, and
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
(PPAR)-gamma agonists decrease
Leptin exerts multiple effects on energy
homeostasis.73 Hypothalamic pathways
mediate many of these effects, especially
energy intake and expenditure,
and other effects are mediated peripherally
through direct action in muscle
and pancreatic beta-cells.74 Calorie
restriction and weight loss reduce leptin
levels, and this reduction is associated
with increased appetite and decreased
energy expenditure. The same responses
are observed in leptin-deficient mice
and humans, despite massive obesity,
and the responses are normalized by
leptin replacement. Conversely, common
forms of obesity are characterized by
elevated circulating leptin and also by
leptin resistance. Neither endogenously
high leptin levels nor exogenously
administered leptin are effective in
reducing this obesity.74,75 The concept
that leptin is an indicator of energy sufficiency
but not excess emanates from
its dose-response curve. Low leptin levels
are induced by food restriction, rising
levels are induced by refeeding, and
supraphysiological levels are observed
in obesity.4
Besides its significant role in energy
homeostasis, leptin also regulates
neuroendocrine function and traditional endocrine systems, including the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and
the hypothalamicpituitary-thyroid and
-gonadal axes.72,74,76-78
KEY POINT: IL-6 is a proinflammatory
adipocytokine involved in insulin and
leptin signaling, adipogenesis, and
adiponectin secretion. One third of
circulating IL-6 derives from adipose
tissue, predominantly from visceral
fat. IL-6 modulates production and
release of the inflammatory factor
CRP from the liver.
IL-6 is a proinflammatory adipocytokine
implicated in the pathogenesis of
obesity, insulin resistance, and CVD.
IL-6 expression and plasma levels
increase in proportion to adiposity
and as a result of changes in energy
balance.3 Expression and secretion of
IL-6 are two- to threefold higher in visceral
vs subcutaneous fat.34,36,71 IL-6
circulates at high levels in the bloodstream,
and as much as one third of
circulating IL-6 derives from adipose
tissue.79 This is of interest because
IL-6 modulates proinflammatory CRP
production in the liver.80 Excess adipose
tissue appears to elevate the
circulating levels of IL-6 and, consequently,
the levels of circulating CRP.
CRP is the inflammatory marker most
commonly associated with IL-6. It is
also commonly associated with insulin
resistance, atherosclerosis, and
cardiovascular risk. CRP is thought to
directly participate in the endothelial
cell mechanisms that lead to atherosclerotic
lesions and cardiac events.81
A growing body of evidence demonstrates
that CRP levels predict the
occurrence of CVD and T2DM.
IL-6 exerts multiple peripheral effects,
including decreased insulin and leptin
signaling in peripheral tissues,82
inhibition of adipogenesis, and
decreased adiponectin secretion.79
These detrimental peripheral effects
are consistent with epidemiological
findings that suggest a causal role for
IL-6 in obesity and insulin resistance.4
For example, the expression and circulating
levels of IL-6 increase with
obesity, impaired glucose tolerance,
and insulin resistance, and decrease
with weight loss. Plasma IL-6 concentrations
are also predictors of T2DM
and CVD.79
Tumor Necrosis
KEY POINT: The proinflammatory adipocytokine
TNF-alpha plays a role in the
pathophysiology of obesity and insulin
resistance. Metabolic actions of TNFalpha
inhibit glucose uptake and fatty
acid oxidation, increase expression of
genes involved in de novo synthesis of
cholesterol and fatty acids, and impair
insulin signaling.
Like IL-6, TNF-alpha is a proinflammatory
adipocytokine implicated in the
development of obesity and insulin
resistance.4 TNF-alpha increases in
proportion to adiposity and as a result
of changes in energy balance.3,83
Plasma levels of TNF-alpha have been
shown to increase in the presence of
the metabolic syndrome (see Figure 9
on page 15).62
In adipose tissue, TNF-alpha represses
genes involved in the uptake and
storage of nonesterified fatty acids
and glucose, suppresses genes for
transcription factors involved in adipogenesis
and lipogenesis, and changes
the expression of adiponectin and IL-
6.84 In the liver, TNF-alpha suppresses
expression of genes involved in
glucose uptake and metabolism and
fatty acid oxidation; it also increases
expression of genes involved in de
novo synthesis of cholesterol and
fatty acids. TNF-alpha impairs insulin
signaling directly by activation of serine
kinases, and indirectly by increasing
serum nonesterified fatty acids,
which can induce insulin resistance in
multiple tissues.4,85
Plasminogen Activator
KEY POINT: PAI-1 is an adipocytesecreted
protein that is the primary
inhibitor of fibrinolysis. Its expression
and secretion are greater in visceral
fat than in subcutaneous fat. PAI-1
levels are elevated in obesity and
insulin resistance and predict future
cardiometabolic risk leading to T2DM
and CVD.
PAI-1 is an adipocyte-secreted protein
of the hemostasis and fibrinolytic
system and is a member of the serine
protease inhibitor family.4 PAI-1 is the
primary inhibitor of fibrinolysis (by
inactivating urokinase-type and tissuetype
plasminogen activator86) and has
been implicated in angiogenesis and
atherogenesis. PAI-1 is expressed by
many cell types within adipose tissue,
including adipocytes, and its expression
and secretion are greater in visceral
vs subcutaneous fat.34
Plasma PAI-1 levels are elevated in
obesity and insulin resistance, are
positively correlated with features of
the metabolic syndrome, and predict
future risk of T2DM and CVD.86,87
Plasma PAI-1 levels are strongly
associated with visceral adiposity,
independent of insulin sensitivity, total
adipose tissue mass, or age.71,86
Interestingly, evidence suggests that
PAI-1 contributes to the development
of obesity and insulin resistance and
may be a causal link between obesity
and CVD.4 Weight loss and improvement
in insulin sensitivity due to
pharmacotherapy significantly reduce
circulating PAI-1 levels.86 Targeted
deletion of PAI-1 in mouse models
has been associated with decreased
weight gain on high-fat diet, increased
energy expenditure, improved glucose
tolerance, enhanced insulin sensitivity,
decreased adiposity, and improved
metabolic parameters.88,89
The Endocannabinoid
System, Adipose Tissue,
and Energy Metabolism
KEY POINT: The endocannabinoid system
(ECS) is an endogenous signaling system
that plays a role in the regulation
of energy homeostasis and lipid and
glucose metabolism. Increased activity
of the ECS is strongly associated
with obesity and dyslipidemia. The ECS
appears to be a promising novel mechanistic
pathway that modulates
important aspects of the development
of cardiometabolic factors through
peripheral pathways involving adipocytes
and adipocytokines such as
adiponectin as well as through central
regulatory pathways.
The ECS is a recently characterized
physiologic system that plays an important
role in the regulation of energy
metabolism—in part through peripheral
pathways that involve adipocytes and
adipocytokines such as adiponectin.
An endogenous signaling system, the
ECS consists of two types of receptors
that have been characterized,
CB1 and CB2, and several endogenous
ligands, of which anandamide and 2-
arachidonylgycerol have been the most
studied. These endogenous ligands, or
endocannabinoids, are not preformed
and stored in cells prior to use. Rather,
when endocannabinoids are needed, the
enzymes that synthesize them are rapidly
activated. Endocannabinoids act locally
as retrograde messengers in the nervous
system. After their release from postsynaptic
cells, they bind to and activate
CB1 receptors located presynaptically.
Thereafter, they are rapidly inactivated,
and this is thought to be mediated
through reuptake by a transport protein.
In non-neural cells, such as adipose tissue,
the ECS appears to have additional,
possibly longer-term modulatory effects
by influencing gene transcription of certain
proteins such as adiponectin.
Physiologically, the ECS plays a role
in modulating energy balance, feeding
behavior, hepatic lipogenesis, and glucose
homeostasis (Figure 10). Evidence
suggests that the ECS has a chronic
increase in activity in human obesity
and in animal models of genetic and
diet-induced obesity. ECS stimulation
centrally and peripherally favors metabolic
processes that lead to weight
gain, lipogenesis, insulin resistance,
dyslipidemia, and impaired glucose
In the brain, the overall effect of endocannabinoids
acting at both hypothalamic91
and brainstem sites92 is to place
the body in a state of net energy gain.93
In peripheral pathways, as part of the
ECS function to promote anabolism,93
CB1 receptors are found in metabolically
active tissues such as fat cells and the
liver. Adipocytes express CB1 receptors;
activation of these receptors can induce
lipogenesis by increasing adipose-tissue
lipoprotein lipase expression91 and
antagonism of these receptors increases
adiponectin gene expression.94 CB1
receptor stimulation has been shown to
reduce the expression of AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK) in visceral fat.95
AMPK is an enzyme that functions as a
fuel sensor to regulate energy balance
pathways, including fat oxidation and
glucose transport, at both cellular and
whole-body levels.
Matias et al96 extended the findings
that the ECS and adipose tissue play
a direct role in the peripheral control
of energy homeostasis. Their analysis
of animal and human adipocytes, beta
cells, serum, and adipose tissue samples
demonstrated that endocannabinoid-
CB1 signaling participates in adipocyte
differentiation and lipid accumulation,
and remains activated in mature
adipocytes, where it reduces adiponectin
expression. Endocannabinoid-CB1
signaling was also shown to be overactive
in the adipose tissue and pancreas of mice with diet-induced obesity (a
condition similar to human obesity) and
in the visceral adipose tissue of obese
A summary of evidence of the ECS as a
regulator of energy metabolism in adipocytes
appears in Table 4 (on page 17).
Adipose Tissue
and Inflammation:
Evidence for a
Contributing Role in
Cardiometabolic Risk
KEY POINT: The enlarged adipocytes of
obese individuals recruit macrophages,
promote inflammation, and release a
range of factors that predispose toward
insulin resistance. Together, adipocytes
and macrophages interact, increasing circulating
proinflammatory cytokines, promoting
a chronic, systemic inflammatory
response that adversely affects metabolic
function and leads to atherosclerosis.
A number of inflammatory mediators are
implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity
and the mechanisms responsible
for the development of chronic diseases
associated with obesity, such as CVD
and T2DM. As discussed in the previous
section, adipose tissue releases
hormones that modulate body fat mass.
As a person gets heavier and adipocytes
enlarge, these control mechanisms
become dysregulated, macrophages
accumulate in adipose tissue, and
inflammation ensues.100 Compared with
lean individuals, adipose tissue in obese
persons shows higher expression of
inflammatory and prothrombotic proteins
(eg, TNF-alpha, IL-6, and PAI-1).100
Excess visceral fat stimulates the
release of CRP from the liver. It also
expresses cytokines involved in the
white cell migration known to cause the
accumulation of macrophages in the
intima, a key factor in plaque formation.
An important concept is that fatdepleted
adipocytes in lean individuals
promote metabolic homeostasis; the
enlarged adipocytes of obese individuals
recruit macrophages and promote
inflammation and the release of a range
of factors that predispose toward insulin
Adipocytes, Macrophages,
and Inflammation
Obese adipose tissue is characterized by
inflammation and progressive infiltration
by macrophages as obesity develops.
Changes in adipocyte and fat pad size
lead to physical changes in the surrounding
area and modifications of the
paracrine function of the adipocyte. For
example, in obesity, adipocytes secrete
low levels of TNF-alpha, which can stimulate
preadipocytes to produce monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1).
Similarly, endothelial cells also secrete
MCP-1 in response to cytokines. Thus,
either preadipocytes or endothelial cells
could be responsible for attracting macrophages
to adipose tissue. The early
timing of MCP-1 expression prior to that
of other macrophage markers during the
development of obesity suggests that it
is produced initially by cells other than
Increased secretion of leptin, decreased
production of adiponectin, or both by
differentiated adipocytes (not preadipocytes)
may also contribute to further
macrophage accumulation by stimulating
transport of macrophages to adipose
tissue and promoting adhesion of macrophages
to endothelial cells, respectively.
Physical damage to the endothelium—
caused either by size changes and crowding
or oxidative damage resulting from
a lipolytic environment—may also play a
role in macrophage recruitment, similar
to that seen in atherosclerosis.101
Regardless of the initial stimulus to
recruit macrophages into adipose tissue,
once macrophages are present and
active, they could perpetuate a vicious
cycle of macrophage recruitment, production
of inflammatory cytokines, and
impairment of adipocyte function.101 This
process of macrophage recruitment and
accumulation in enlarged adipocytes is
depicted in Figure 11 and, along with its
impact on obesity-related sequelae, in
Figure 12 (on the next page).
Although adipocytes and macrophages
derive from different precursors and have
different physiological functions, there
appears to be a convergence of their
functions in obesity and the metabolic
syndrome. In the pathological setting of
obesity and insulin resistance, both cell
types engage in lipid storage and cytokine
secretion, as shown in Figure 13 (on
the next page).102 As mentioned above,
adipose tissue is infiltrated by macrophages
in the presence of obesity, insulin
resistance, or both.
Macrophages are responsible for most
of the cytokine production in obese
adipose tissue.103,104 Adipose tissue
macrophages are responsible for almost
all adipose tissue TNF-alpha expression and significant amounts of IL-6 expression.
103 Xu et al104 reported that the
increased expression of inflammationspecific
genes by macrophages in the
adipose tissue of obese mice preceded
a dramatic increase in insulin production.
When these mice were treated with
an insulin-sensitizing drug, expression of
these genes declined. Thus, the appearance
of these inflammatory molecules
before the development of insulin resistance,
as well as their known ability to
promote insulin resistance and other
complications of obesity, strongly suggests
that adipose tissue inflammation
plays an important role in the development
of obesity-related complications.100
Inflammation is thought to contribute
to the development of the sequelae of
obesity. Obesity decreases adiponectin
production,105 and adiponectin is an
inhibitor of TNF-alpha—induced monocyte
adhesion;106 this may be an important
link between obesity and
Waist Circumference:
A Clinically Practical
Surrogate Marker for
Intra-Abdominal Fat
KEY POINT: While advanced imaging
techniques such as computed tomography
provide accurate assessment
of abdominal fat deposition, waist
circumference has been shown to be
a clinically practical and highly correlative
surrogate measure of visceral
adipose tissue. Waist circumference is
a better anthropometric correlate of
visceral fat than is waist-hip ratio.
BMI provides a measure of overall adiposity,
but the actual physiologic distribution of
excess adipose tissue may be the primary
factor in both elevating cardiometabolic
risk as well as predicting the associated
health risks. Waist circumference is a
highly correlative and easily performed
method for estimating intra-abdominal fat
and, in clinical practice, may be more valuable
than BMI for a number of reasons.2
• Epidemiologic studies show that
waist circumference is a strong predictor
of CVD, T2DM, and metabolic
syndrome, as discussed earlier in
this monograph.
• Waist circumference provides information
about health risks—such as
diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemias—
independent of BMI.107
• Waist circumference may be a better
predictor of medical care costs than
• Waist circumference is conceptually
easy to measure, and guidelines
have helped to standardize the proper
technique, as shown in Figure
14 (on the next page). Computed
tomography109 and magnetic resonance
imaging110 provide incremental
accuracy over office-based waist
circumference measurement, but
they are impractical for routine clinical
• Patients may find waist circumference
easier to understand and measure than
BMI, thereby providing opportunities for
patient self-identification.
• While some guidelines stipulate that
elevated waist circumference is simply
one of the criteria for the metabolic
syndrome,37,111,112 other guidelines (eg,
International Diabetes Federation [IDF])
require elevated waist circumference
as an essential component for the
diagnosis. Under the IDF criteria, diagnosis
of the metabolic syndrome can
only be made if central obesity is present
along with two or more risk factors
(raised triglycerides, reduced HDL-C,
raised blood pressure, and raised fasting
plasma glucose or T2DM).112
• Various other guidelines for obesity,
diabetes, and CVD—including the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute (NHLBI)/North American
Association for the Study of Obesity
(NAASO) guidelines in 1998 and
most recently the American Heart
Association/American College of
Cardiology secondary prevention
guidelines in 2006—recognize the
importance of measuring waist circumference
as an indicator of abdominal
adiposity and health risks.38,113
Sophisticated imaging techniques such
as magnetic resonance imaging and
computed tomography can distinguish,
with a high level of precision, intraabdominal
or visceral fat from subcutaneous
abdominal fat.109,110 These
techniques have shown that waist
circumference is a better anthropometric
correlate than waist-hip ratio of the
amount of visceral adipose tissue. The
close correlation of waist circumference
with visceral adipose tissue is shown in
Figure 15.115,116
Approaches to
KEY POINT: Approaches to long-term
weight management include therapeutic
lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy,
and surgery. Liposuction of abdominal
subcutaneous adipose tissue has been
shown not to improve cardiometabolic
risk factors, whereas experimental
studies report that reduction of visceral
fat improved glucose levels and
insulin sensitivity.
In overweight and obese individuals, there
is strong evidence that weight loss reduces
risk factors for CVD and T2DM. Weight
loss reduces blood pressure, improves
atherogenic dyslipidemia, reduces blood
glucose levels, and reduces HbAlC in
some patients with T2DM. Reductions in
risk factors would suggest that development
of CVD and T2DM would be reduced
with weight loss.38
Approaches for the management of overweight
and obese patients include therapeutic
lifestyle changes (dietary therapy,
physical activity, and behavioral therapy),
pharmacotherapy, and surgery. In-depth
reviews of weight management options
are widely published and are beyond the
scope of this monograph. Various guidelines
on weight management have also
been issued by professional associations,
including the joint publication by the
Therapeutic Lifestyle
Two studies in particular show the benefits
of therapeutic lifestyle changes
in reducing intra-abdominal adiposity
and associated risk factors. In the
Studies of Targeted Risk Reduction
Interventions through Defined Exercise
(STRRIDE) trial, Slentz et al117 reported
the first prospective, randomized, controlled
study on the effects of different
amounts of exercise on visceral, subcutaneous,
and total abdominal fat in
a sedentary, middle-aged, overweight population. STRRIDE demonstrated
that even a relatively modest exercise
program (consistent with Centers for
Disease Control [CDC] physical activity
guidelines) prevented significant
increases in visceral fat during the
8-month study. However, a modest
increase in caloric expenditure over
the CDC recommendations resulted
in significant decreases in visceral,
subcutaneous, and total abdominal fat
without changes in caloric intake. In
contrast, continued physical inactivity
in this sedentary overweight population
led to significant gains in visceral fat in
6 months.117
In a study of the effects of lifestyle modification
and pharmacologic intervention
on the metabolic syndrome, Orchard
et al118 reported that intensive lifestyle
modification resulted in a dramatic prevention
of incident metabolic syndrome
and reduction of its overall prevalence.
Of particular interest, these results
appeared to be most strongly related to
a reduction in waist circumference and in
blood pressure, rather than a correction
of the lipid abnormalities of triglycerides
and HDL-C.118 The goals of lifestyle modification
in this study were to achieve and
maintain a weight reduction of at least
7% of body weight through a healthy
low-calorie, low-fat diet and to engage in
physical activity of moderate intensity,
such as brisk walking, for at least 150
minutes per week.
In contrast to these studies, Howard et
al119 reported less promising results from
a Women’s Health Initiative study of a
reduced-fat diet in more than 48,000
postmenopausal women. The dietary
intervention, which reduced total fat
intake and increased intakes of vegetables,
fruits, and grains, achieved only
modest effects on CVD risk factors,
including a small reduction in waist
circumference (89.0 cm to 88.2 cm) at
year 3.119 The diet did not significantly
reduce the risk of coronary heart disease,
stroke, or CVD over a mean followup
of 8.1 years. The authors suggested
that more focused diet and lifestyle interventions
may be needed to improve risk
factors and reduce CVD risk.
Currently available pharmacologic
approaches to long-term weight management
are primarily limited to appetite
suppression (inhibition of serotoninnorepinephrine-
dopamine reuptake) and
reduction of fat absorption (pancreatic
lipase inhibition). Advancing research
is elucidating other pathways and
physiologic systems involved in the
regulation of energy balance and intraabdominal
Surgical Approaches
Bariatric weight-loss surgery is an
option for patients with extreme obesity,
providing medically significant
sustained weight loss for more than
5 years in most patients. Reversal
of diabetes, control of hypertension,
marked improvement in mobility, return
of fertility, and significant improvement
in quality of life are common improvements
postsurgery.38 NAASO guidelines
list weight-loss surgery as an option for
patients with severe obesity (BMI ≥40
kg/m2 or ≥35 kg/m2 with comorbid
conditions) in whom other weight-loss
efforts have failed and who are suffering
from the complications of extreme
Perioperative complications vary with
weight and the overall health of the
patient. Mortality rates range from
less than 1% in younger patients with
no comorbidities up to 4% in massively
obese patients with diabetes, hypertension,
and cardiopulmonary failure.38
Complications can include anastomotic
leak, pulmonary embolism, wound infection,
gallstones, and dumping syndrome.
Nutritional deficiencies are not uncommon
following bariatric surgery.
Liposuction is used for cosmetic weight
loss, but evidence shows that liposuction
of abdominal subcutaneous fat (with no
removal of visceral fat) has little effect
on cardiometabolic parameters. In a
study of 15 obese women with normal
glucose tolerance or T2DM, Klein et al121
demonstrated that liposuction of abdominal
subcutaneous adipose tissue did not
improve cardiometabolic risk factors.
There was a 9-10 kg reduction in fat
mass and a 12-14 cm reduction in waist
circumference. Removal of the abdominal
subcutaneous fat had no effect on insulin
resistance, plasma glucose or insulin levels,
plasma adiponectin levels, or any of
the lipid or inflammatory components of
the metabolic syndrome (see Table 5).
In contrast to the liposuction study—and
consistent with the impact of intraabdominal
adiposity on cardiometabolic
risk—experimental studies have reported
that omentectomy with bariatric surgery
in human subjects improved oral glucose
tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and fasting plasma glucose and insulin122 and surgical
removal of visceral adipose tissue in
rats improved insulin sensitivity and insulin
A wealth of epidemiological, biological,
and mechanistic evidence supports the
active role adipose tissue plays in cardiometabolic
risk. As an endocrine organ,
adipose tissue, specifically visceral
adipose tissue, is a source of free fatty
acids and secretes a variety of adipocytokines
that play key roles in the regulation
of lipid and glucose metabolism and
energy homeostasis. In the settings of
overweight and obesity, accumulation of
intra-abdominal adiposity contributes to
the pathophysiology of multiple cardiometabolic
risk factors through a host of
mechanisms, including increased flux of
free fatty acids in the portal circulation,
dysregulation of multiple adipokines (eg,
adiponectin, leptin, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and
PAI-1), and overactivation of the ECS.
Macrophage infiltration and accumulation
in adipose tissue also promotes obesityassociated
inflammation and its sequelae,
including endothelial dysfunction, insulin
resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension,
diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Rapidly
advancing scientific research is elucidating
novel pathways and physiologic systems,
including the ECS, that play critical
roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis
and intra-abdominal adiposity.