The HCPLive conference coverage page features articles, videos, and expert-led live coverage from major medical meetings throughout the year.
What About the Gut Flora in IBS: Do Antibiotics/Probiotics Work?
The last decade has seen a renewed interest in the bacteria residing within our gastrointestinal tract--the gut microbiota.
Patient Centered vs. Evidence Based Care in IBS Treatment
Ling Chang, MD, discusses recommendations from the ACG Task Force on management of IBS, and patient-related factors that guide IBS.
Information for Attendees of the IDSA 2010 Annual Meeting
Scheduling, event, exhibit hall, CME, and other information for attendees of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Information for Attendees of ACG 2010
View schedules, learn about special events and opportunities to earn CME credits, and see what you can do on your down time.
Post-marketing Vaccine Safety Surveillance
Safety and adverse event monitoring don't stop when a vaccine is approved.
The Challenges of Vaccine Research in Developing Nations
Investigators face several technical, logistical, and cultural challenges when conducting vaccine trials in developing nations.
What Are the R&D and Business Challenges Facing the Vaccine Market?
Although the market is growing, vaccine makers face a variety of technical, research, and business challenges.
Virus-like Particles in Vaccinology: An Overview
Virus-like particles have been used in approved vaccines and several prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine candidates in clinical development.
Behind Every Successful Vaccine Trial Is a Stable Supply Chain
Ensuring the safety of patients in vaccine clinical trials requires close cooperation between sponsors and vaccine suppliers.
Future Trend: Vaccine Technology Transfers to Emerging Markets
As vaccine manufacturers turn their focus to emerging markets, several technical and logistic hurdles remain to be overcome.
A Novel Approach to Managing Patients with Allergic Asthma
Vaccine that incorporates nanoparticles filled with potent stimulators of the innate immune system proves promising in clinical trials.
Personalized Medicines and the Revolution in Vaccine Technology
Clinicians will need new materials and technologies as medicine becomes more personalized.
Seeking a Safer Vaccine against Japanese Encephalitis
A successful government-industry collaboration produced a safer preventive vaccine against this deadly disease.
Purified Protein Vaccines, Recombinant DNA Technology, and H5N1
New vaccine would be the first cell-derived, recombinant protein-based influenza vaccine licensed in the US.
Nasal Influenza Vaccine Shows Promise for Cross-immunity
Early positive clinical trial results for a novel nasal influenza vaccine.
How Should We Manage the H1N1 Post-pandemic Period?
Vaccine expert says that there are many lessons to be learned from the response to the most recent H1N1 pandemic.
Clinical Trials Pave the Way for Single-dose Flu Immunization
Researchers studying influenza vaccines were able to achieve immune response with a single vaccination against H1N1.
BARDA is on the Frontlines of the Global Battle against Flu
How a massive operation of medical countermeasures was mobilized to tackle the ever-present threat of influenza in the US and overseas.
New Nasal Spray Influenza Vaccine May Enable Rapid Pandemic Response
Safe and effective new nasal spray-delivered influenza vaccine could be produced quickly in high quantities during a pandemic infection.
World Vaccine Congress 2010
The World Vaccine Congress Lyon is the premiere vaccine conference addressing all major vaccine markets.
How Many Pills Do Your Elderly Patients Take Each Day?
Adverse drug reactions, the "prescription cascade," and the risks to elderly patients in the age of polypharmacy.
AAFP Slideshow
Photos from HCPLive's booth at the 2010 AAFP Scientific Assembly
Smoking Cessation: What Works and What Doesn't?
Pharmacotherapy and counseling that incorporates motivational interviewing techniques have been proven effective in helping patients quit smoking.
How Common Are Office-based Emergencies?
One physician might define an emergency differently from another, so how can you accurately quantify the number of office-based emergencies?
Engaging Your Patients Means Happier Doctors and Healthier Patients
Surveys that elicit feedback from patients and patient-centered approaches to treatment can improve patient satisfaction.
When it Comes to Influenza Prevention, Physicians Should Be "All In"
Flu vaccines are safe and effective, and together with proper hand hygiene and other preventive measures are the best defense against this disease.
How You can Implement Evidence-based Medicine into Practice
Dr. Frank Domino presented his top 10 practice changing concepts from the last year and how evidence-based medicine can be employed into practice.
How Will Health Care Reform Impact Primary Care?
The health care reform law includes some improvements in payment for primary care services; will it be enough to secure the future of the profession?
Simple, Proven Steps to Help Patients Lose Weight
Physicians can use motivational interviewing and proven dietary recommendations to help patients lose weight.
7-Point Prevention Rx for Patients at Risk for CVD and Hyperlipidemia
The goal when evaluating patients for CVD risk is to know what signs to look for and to devise an evidence-based, individualized treatment plan.