The HCPLive conference coverage page features articles, videos, and expert-led live coverage from major medical meetings throughout the year.
ASN 2010: Hyponatremia and Risk of Falls and Fractures in the Elderly
Older adults with hyponatremia experience increased rates of fractures and falls, but are not at higher risk for osteoporosis.
ASN 2010: Recent Studies Paint a More Complete Picture of Hyponatremia
Combo therapy with thiazide diuretics may be a major cause of symptomatic hyponatremia, especially in older females with prior cerebrovascular events.
ASN 2010: Tolvaptan Effective on Dilutional Hyponatremia, Neuro Function
Studies show tolvaptan treats significant dilutional hyponatremia and can improve patient performance in neurocognitive and gait tests.
ASN 2010: The DASH Diet, Cardiovascular Health, and Patients with CKD
Researchers continue to study the cardiovascular benefits associated with the DASH diet. Patients with CKD should adjust potassium intake.
ASN 2010: Early Nephrologist Care Reduces Risk of ESRD in CKD Patients
Patients with chronic kidney disease treated by a nephrologist earlier in the care process face decreased risk of end-stage renal disease and death.
ASN 2010: CKD May Progress Faster in African Americans and Hispanics
Study showing racial differences in rate of kidney function decline may point to new opportunities for kidney disease prevention.
ASN 2010: Hyponatremia Treatment in the Spotlight at Renal Week
Information on diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to hyponatremia, including tolvaptan and other VRAs, will be presented at this year's conference.
ASN 2010: How Can We Reduce Racial Disparities in CKD and Diabetes?
Evidence-based strategies can alleviate gaps in providers' knowledge of chronic kidney disease and diabetes in underserved patient populations.
AHA 2010: Study Results Show Statins Do Not Increase Cancer Risk
Retrospective analysis reveals that statin use is not associated with increased risk of cancer.
AHA 2010: PTSD Linked to Increased Risk of CVD, Death in Veterans
Post-traumatic stress disorder more than doubles a veteran's risk of death from any cause and is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
AHA 2010: How Can You Get Your Patients to Take Their Meds?
Poor medication plan adherence poses major health risks in patients with cardiovascular illnesses. Better adherence starts with better communication.
AHA 2010: CETP-inhibitor Anacetrapib has Dramatic Effects on HDL, LDL
Study shows that cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitor anacetrapib reduced LDL by 40% and doubled HDL in patients with coronary disease.
AHA 2010: No Benefit from Larger Dose of Clopidogrel after PCI
GRAVITAS trial results show that high-dose clopidogrel does not reduce the incidence of death, heart attack, or blood clots in high-risk patients.
AHA 2010: Options for Lowering LDL-C in the Statin-intolerant Patient
Once you've determined that a patient truly is statin-intolerant, there are several viable alternatives for lipid-lowering therapy, including niacin.
AHA 2010: Iron Boosts Quality of Life in Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Intravenous treatment with the iron compound ferric carboxymaltose improves health-related quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure.
AHA 2010: Liposuctioned Fat Cells May Offer Hope after Heart Attack
Unique treatment using fat-derived stem cells reduced heart tissue damage and improved cardiac blood flow in patients who had suffered a heart attack.
AHA 2010: Alternate Dosing in Statin Therapy for Patients with CAD
Alternate statin-dosing protocol shows significant reductions in LDL and total cholesterol in previously statin-intolerant women.
AHA 2010: Prescription Omega-3 Useless in Atrial Fibrillation
Researchers find no benefit from prescription omega-3 in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation who do not have significant heart disease.
AHA 2010: Seven Factors Linked to Better Cardiovascular Health
MESA trial finds association between lower coronary artery calcium and carotid artery thickness and adherence to AHA "Life's Simple 7" health factors.
AHA 2010: New Anti-clotting Drug Offers Alternative to Warfarin
Rivaroxaban is as effective as warfarin in preventing blood clots and stroke and does not increase bleeding risk in patients with atrial fibrillation.
AHA 2010: Stroke Risk and Vitamin D Deficiency in African Americans
Data from NHANES-III shows that vitamin D deficiency does not increase stroke risk in African American patients.
AHA 2010: Nesiritide Safe but Has Little Effect on Dyspnea in HF
ASCEND-HF trial shows that previous thinking on nesiritide was wrong: it is safe, but has only modest effect on dyspnea patients with heart failure.
AHA 2010: Eplerenone Reduces Risk of Death Due to Heart Failure
EMPHASIS-HF trial results show eplerenone reduces risk of death and hospitalization by 37% in patients with systolic heart failure.
AHA 2010: RAFT Trial Shows Benefits of ICD-CRT in Heart Failure
Combining cardiac-resynchronization therapy with medication and an ICD reduces deaths and hospitalizations due to heart failure.
AHA 2010: Information about the AHA 2010 Scientific Sessions
Scheduling, event, exhibit hall, CME, and other information for attendees of the AHA 2010 Scientific Sessions.
ACR 2010: High-fructose Beverages Raise Risk of Gout in Women
Consuming even one serving per day of sugar-sweetened soda or orange juice significantly increases the risk of developing gout.
ACR 2010: Tocilizumab Has Beneficial Lipid Effect in Patients with RA
Drug elevates lipid particles that are thought to be protective, leaves proatherogenic particles unchanged, and reduces markers of inflammation.
ACR 2010: Tools Calculate Fracture Risk, Guide Osteoporosis Treatment
Osteoporosis guidelines and a Web-based tool allow physicians to identify patients for treatment and calculate 10-year fracture risk.
ACR 2010: Arthritis Treatment Reduces Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
Study suggests that anti-tumor necrosis factor inhibitors may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
ACR 2010: Aggressive Therapy Reduces Risk of CVD in People with Gout
Early treatment with urate-lowering therapy not only prevents gout, it also may reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke mortality.