Physician's Money Digest
Physician'sMoney Digest
The staff of recently experienced a terrible losswith the death of one of our travel editors,Margaret Anderson. Margaret,along with her physician-husband Eric,became travel editors of in 1998. Since that time,Margaret, working jointly with herhusband, has contributed many fascinatingand informative travel pieces tothe magazine.
Margaret Hunter had been a flightattendant with British Airways in theearly 1950s, which gave her a lifelongpassion for travel. Rome was alwaysspecial to her, but Greece, Fiji Island,and her beloved Scotland were herfavorite destinations.
The Andersons were high schoolsweethearts and dated for 7 yearsbefore they married in 1955, while Ericwas in Edinburgh Medical School. Theyteased each other constantly. Margaretonce said, "Eric never makes the samemistake 10 times." His for-once seriousreply was, "It sure wasn't a mistake tomarry Margaret Hunter."
With childhood viral myocarditis,lifelong left bundle branch block, anddilated cardiomyopathy since 1994,Margaret knew fatal cardiac arrhythmiawas likely, but she went on travelingand loving her family, until suddenlyfelled by ventricular fibrillation in herkitchen. She left an adoring husband, 3loving children, and 6 devoted grandchildren.She will be greatly missed.