(TechNews.com, 2003)
42%—Percentage of Americans whosay they don't use the Internet.
(Insurance Information
Institute, 2003)
$855—Average annual US auto insurancepremium.
Information Institute, 2003)
$603—Average annual US homeownersinsurance premium.
Research, 2003)
13.2%—Percentage of US workerswho are members of a union.
(Foreign Policy Magazine, 2003)
72%—Percentage of Americans whoare "very proud" of their nation.
(USA Today, 2003)
42,850—Number of auto trafficdeaths in 2002.
Census Bureau, 2003)
52%—Percentage of African-Americanmarried couples whose annualincomes average $50,000+.
Street Journal, 2003)
48%—Percentage of all credit cardfraud due to lost or stolen cards.
(US Census Bureau, 2003)
84.1%—Percentage of US citizensover age 25 with a high school degree.
Census Bureau, 2003)
26.7%—Percentage of US citizensover age 25 with a college degree.