Beneficiary Book: A Family Information
Getting your estate in order isn't oneof the most pleasant topics to consider,but it's important. Putting matters off onlyincreases the stress and sense of helplessnessof your loved ones in the event of adeath or other family emergency. ($29.95; Active Insights; 1992;800-222-9125; Martin Kuritz has provided an invaluableservice to families in the form of asimple, straightforward organizer for allthe information needed at the time of aloved one's death. The book now includesa special supplement, "First Things,"which provides the basic details of the firstthings our loved ones will need to takecare of immediately, including an estateto-do checklist, a fill-in directory for whoto call, a fill-in list of where to find things,and a fill-in list of what to do first. Thesupplement "First Things" is available inall new copies and is downloadable.