The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You'llEver Need: The Way Smart Money Invests Today
For many physician-investors,beating the market isalmost like a quest. They dedicatetheir time and energy tofinding the perfect hiddeninvestment gem. When theyfinally discover this Holy Grailof securities, they find that itis a short-lived dream, anddoes virtually nothing for their overallinvestment portfolio.
The Only Guide to a
Winning Investment Strategy You'll
Ever Need: The Way Smart Money
Invests Today
Larry Swedroe, a financial marketsexpert and principal and director ofresearch at Buckingham Asset Management,states that such a strategy is alosing proposition in the latest editionof his book, ($24.95; Truman TalleyBooks/St. Martin's Press; 2005). The currentedition has beenupdated to include newdata, research, and informationon how to be amore successful investor.
The Only
Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy
You'll Ever Need
Swedroe's book is filledwith easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions ondeveloping a winning investmentstrategy, as well as severalhelpful model portfolios. The informationcovers a variety of useful topics, suchas the differences in fund types, rebalancingyour portfolio, and how to selectthe right investment advisor. is a handy map to guideyou on your quest to beat the market.The book should provide you with indispensableknowledge to acquire yourinvestment gem.