This film, which can be rentedfrom your local video store, israted on a scale of 1 to 4 caducei:
Napoleon Dynamite
Sixteen Candles
Fast Times at
Ridgemont High
NAPOLEONDYNAMITE(2004): If yourkids aren't tormentingyou yetwith lines fromthis movie, don'tworry, they willbe. You might aswell see it yourselfand find out what all of the fussis about. is atrue underground film that is certainto become a classic on par withand . But what separatesthis movie from its teen predecessorsis its quirky innocence. The title character(newcomer Jon Heder) is a nerdof the purest kind—awkward,picked-on, and outcasted. We allknew this guy growing up, maybeeven had a little bit of him in us. Theplot is almost nonexistent, but youreally don't want to watch thismovie for its plot. It's a charactermovie and just watching these peoplemove around in their wacky universewas enough to entertain me.Heder's portrayal of Napoleon ispitch-perfect and completely believable,which makes me wonder whatthis actor is like in real life. He issupported by a cast of equallyintriguing misfits that you can'thelp but root for. Please don't gointo this offbeat comedy expectingto find meaning or depth; it's completelysilly and even a little pointless,but that is part of its charm. Ifyou can just enjoy it for what it is,you will certainly have a good time.
Rating: 3
Lisa A. Tomaszewski,
managing editor
of Physician's Money Digest, is currently
working on her PhD in literature at
Drew University in New Jersey. She is
an avid fan of film and has taught a
summer film course at Fairleigh
Dickinson University. She welcomes
questions, comments, or suggestions for
future film reviews at 732-656-1140
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