

Physician's Money Digest
December 2006
Volume 13
Issue 12

Cinema Consults: V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta (2006)

Are American audiencesready for afilm that championsterrorism as a pathto social change?Andy & Larry Wachowski,the duo thatbrought us TheMatrix Trilogy, seem to think so.Interestingly enough, while watching Vfor Vendetta, I wasn't focused on the actof terrorism, but on oppression. Ratherthan Sept. 11, I heard sounds of theHolocaust. Perhaps it's for this reasonthat the film is so frightening—doesterrorism become a viable option toavoid the annihilation of civil liberties?This is not a question I am comfortableanswering, but this movie forces you tothink about this and other moral riddles.It is not a perfectly crafted filmand is at times pointlessly esoteric. Theacting is good, though often overshadowedby violence and other dramaticmêlée. I liked the work of HugoWeaving, who plays V, the enigmaticavenger focused on toppling a corruptpolitical power. Weaving's acting ishandicapped by the mask he wears inthe film, yet through his voice, gestures,and postures, he succeeds incrafting a truly memorable character.Natalie Portman as his accidental partneris good as well, though at times Ifelt the direction she was given was alittle muddled. This is a good actionflick that tries to convey a message,though it is no where near as powerfulas its predecessor, the original Matrix.

Rating: 2.5

Lisa A. Tomaszewski, editor of Physician's MoneyDigest, has recently completed her PhD in literatureat Drew University in New Jersey. She is anavid fan of film and has taught a summer filmcourse at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Shewelcomes questions, comments, or suggestionsfor future film reviews at 609-524-9569

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