If you're a coupon cutter, you may bemissing out on the virtual blue-light specialsonline. According to a recent article inmagazine, the following are somepopular Web sites that bargain huntersshould keep an eye on:
Comparison consumers. Price is for the shopper who likes to compareprices and products. The Web site collectsinformation from across the Web andallows consumers to view and contrastprices from a slew of retailers.
Coupon cutters. is theWeb's version of the Sunday newspapercircular, providing information on whatdiscounts are being offered by manufacturersand retailers. You can obtain a specialcode that can be used when you checkout after a purchase is made online.
Rebate seekers. givesshoppers the opportunity to receive arebate if they go through their portals ontheir way to shopping at brand nameretailers. They get a commission for referringyou, and in return, send you rebatesvia check or PayPal. Amounts can be asmuch as 7% of an item's purchase price(eg, 3% from Dell Home Systems, 4% fromStaples, and 6% from Brookstone).
Outlet store shoppers. Overstock.comprovides the shopper with the same opportunitiesas a regular outlet store, offeringdiscounts on excess inventory, such as closeoutsand overstocked goods. Overstock.comhas the broadest selection and the best dealon shipping.