

Physician's Money Digest
August 2007
Volume 14
Issue 8

Did You Know...

20 billion—Estimated number of illegally downloaded or exchanged songs in 2005. (BusinessWeek, 2006)

$16 billion—Total profits in 2005 from the largest 10 US creditcard issuers. (Time, 2006)

18%—Percentage of fewer collisions occurring in Las Vegas during the eight months following teen-driving restrictions in 2006. (Time, 2006)

42%—Percentage of nonretired American adults that expect to lessen the extravagance of their lifestyle in retirement. (Brightwork Partners, 2007)

92—Average number of hours per week a stay-at-home mom works. (Newsweek, 2007)

51%—Percentage of households expecting to receive a pension. (Barron’s, 2007)

$18,000—Median annual anticipated pension benefit. (Barron’s, 2007)

42%—Percentage of consumers concerned about not having enough money for retirement. (Experian-Gallup Personal Credit Index Survey, 2007)

28%—Percentage of consumers that worry about not being able to maintain the standard of living they enjoy. (Experian-Gallup Personal Credit Index Survey, 2007)

40%—Percentage of workers (or their spouses) who have employerprovided defined benefit plans. (AARP, 2007)

70%—Percentage of women aged 50 and over who have osteoporosis or show early signs of it. (Time, 2006)

20%—Percentage of Americans who have taken anxiety or depression medicine. (Newsweek, 2006)

36%—Percentage increase in Vietnam veterans who have sought out help for posttraumatic stress syndrome since 2003. (Newsweek, 2006)

26%—Percentage of employers that have fired a worker for misuse of company e-mail. (National Institute of Business Management, 2007)

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