

Physician's Money Digest
August 2007
Volume 14
Issue 8

Wants, Wishes and Wills: A Medical and Legal Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family in Sickness and in Health


For those facing their own illness or the illness of a loved one, the emotional and complex nature of both health care and finances can be draining. Dr. Shawn D. Glisson and attorney Wynne A. Whitman recognize how overwhelming death and illness can be and have collaborated on a new book that addresses both the medical and financial aspects of life and death.Wants, Wishes, and Wills: A Medical and Legal Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family in Sickness and in Health (FT Press; 2007) is a guide for navigating legal and medical issues to ensure that your wants,wishes, and will are communicated to family members and carried out by professionals. Wants, Wishes, and Wills provides compassionate, up-to-date, and plain-English guidance on everything from health care proxies, living wills, and minimizing estate taxes to getting the best possible care to fight a disease, the value of alternative therapies, and the role of organ donation. The authors understand that medical care and legal affairs are intertwined, and they offer readers the tools to create their own personal health care system, understand their health and financial options, and protect their estate.

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