Last year, I had a difficult time turning my work off when I was home. I checked my e-mail constantly (even when I got up to use the bathroom at night). I thought about my clients while I was on my morning jog. I read business materials during dinner and typed articles during Red Sox games. I love my work, but it was clearly starting to get in the way of my personal life. For my own sanity—and the good of my family—I knew I had to learn how to let go of my work once I came home.
If you're looking for ways to turn your medical practice off when you get home, here are some suggestions that have worked wonders for me:
Christi Lehner-Collins is a certified holistic health counselor based in Boston, Mass. She specializes in helping busy professionals all over the world practice stress-free healthy eating and guilt-free self-care. She welcomes questions or comments at christi@bostonhealth For more information and free resources, visit