Dear doctor, Congress is once again just kicking the can (your Medicare fees) further down the road.
Dear doctor, Congress is once again just kicking the can (your Medicare fees) further down the road.
Attached to a bill that extends unemployment, certain other benefits, and subsidies for another month is yet another reprieve for the threatened 21% cut in Medicare physician reimbursement, this time until October 1. Thus, Congress again has failed to address a known flaw in the Medicare SGR (sustainable growth rate) formula the annual planned rate reduction that is deferred yearly at the last minute.
This year, the rescue agreed to by Democrats, Republicans, and the White house became captive to the antics of the health reform debate. Why? It is clearly understood that such a cut would be disruptive, resulting in massive reductions in the availability of Medicare par physicians, and access for the elderly (who vote in droves).
Tell me doctors: Do you feel secure yet?