The HCPLive Rheumatology condition center page is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and insights on rheumatologic disease. This page consists of interviews, articles, podcasts, and videos on the research, treatment and development of therapies for arthritis, gout, nr-AxSpA, and more.
February 12th 2025
The Phase 2b RENOIR trial met its primary endpoint and key secondary endpoints in patients with RA in new 12-week data.
SimulatED™: Diagnosing and Treating Alzheimer’s Disease in the Modern Era
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Cases and Conversations™: A Horizon View of Continuous Monitoring Systems for Diabetes Management
April 3, 2025
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A Tethered Approach to Type 2 Diabetes Care – Connecting Insulin Regimens with Digital Technology
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Surv.AI Says™: What Clinicians and Patients Are Saying About Glucose Management in the Technology Age
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Clinical ShowCase™: Forming a Personalized Treatment Plan for a Patient With ANCA-Associated Vasculitis
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Addressing Healthcare Inequities: Tailoring Cancer Screening Plans to Address Inequities in Care
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Patient, Provider & Caregiver Connection™: Understanding the Patient Journey to Provide Personalized Care for Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
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Cases and Conversations™: Applying Best Practices to Prevent Shingles in Your Practice
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Clinical Consultations™: Addressing Elevated Phosphate Levels in Patients with END-STAGE Kidney Disease (ESKD)
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Advances In: Managing Hyperphosphatemia in Chronic Kidney Disease – Bridging Treatment Gaps With Novel Therapies
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Burst CME™: Addressing Inadequate Response to Anti-TNF Therapy in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Community Practice Connections™: Cases and Conversations – Keeping Up with Novel Approaches to Managing ANCA-Associated Vasculitis
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Knowing ankle kinematics helpsassessment of osteoarthritis treatment
January 5th 2010In persons with tibiotalar osteoarthritis (OA), subtalar joint motion during the stance phase of gait in the sagittal, coronal, and transverse rotational planes tends to occur in a direction opposite to that in persons who have normal ankles, according to researchers in the department of orthopedic surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. This phenomenon represents a breakdown in the normal motion coupling seen in healthy ankle joints.
2009 Witnesses Many Firsts in Efforts to Overcome Lupus
December 29th 2009The year 2009 will be remembered as a year of many firsts for lupus, including the launch of a public awareness campaign, a report on the barriers to lupus drug development, and the first successful phase III clinical trial of a potential new treatment for lupus.
Alberta Breakthrough Pain Assessment Tool
December 28th 2009The ABPAT is a standardized assessment "designed to characterize various clinically relevant elements of breakthrough pain" and support "improved research on the tolerability, safety and efficacy of novel breakthrough analgesic interventions."
Cricoarytenoid Arthritis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Arthritis of the cricoarytenoid joints is not as rare as is commonly believed. Many sources still consider cricoarytenoid arthritis to be an atypical symptom of rheumatoid arthritis in spite of evidence to the contrary.
Concerns about Pain Guidelines: When Strong Claims Follow from Weak Evidence
The development of clinical medical-practice guidelines is a difficult and arduous process. Experts in various disciplines volunteer many hours of their time for medical research reviews and analyses and meetings with fellow guidelines-panel members, and painstakingly writing and reviewing the final report. However, there are many concerns about the quality of medical research serving as a basis for those guidelines.
Meeting the Challenge of the Vasculitides
December 10th 2009The vasculitides are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by inflammation and necrosis of blood vessel walls resulting in impaired blood flow and organ damage. This article addresses some of the most frequently asked questions about these conditions.
Online Shopping for Medical Information
I overhead two women chatting about symptoms the other day while they were surfing WebMD on their respective iPhones for diagnoses - their discussion was as public and non-chalant as if they were shopping. I mused over this for a minute, unsure if I should be disturbed or not, and then found myself wondering which URLs really are the "go-to" sites for health information. An answer was only a click away via Google search at
Baumann's Call to Arms - Use of Twitter in Healthcare in 2009
December 9th 2009Way back in January, Phil Baumann, RN, provided an empathic answer to the question/concern that was on everyone's mind then: "Yeah Twitter seems great and all, but can you use it for anything useful in healthcare?" We followed up with him to see how 2009 went.
Managing meniscal injuries: The treatment
December 9th 2009Better understanding of meniscus anatomy and function has triggered a search for new and improved treatment options. Nonoperative treatment, including activity modification, rehabilitation, and use of NSAIDs, is directed at minimizing symptoms of pain and swelling.
Patellofemoral syndrome motor task interventions evaluated
December 7th 2009We all know it well, and we have known about it since we were new grads: patients with anterior knee pain, worse with sitting and climbing stairs. It even has a nickname, “movie-goer’s knee.” The condition is patellofemoral syndrome.
Osteoporosis often overlooked in persons with wrist fracture
December 6th 2009Fracture-managing physicians are less likely to evaluate and treat patients who have wrist fractures for osteoporosis than those who have hip or spine fractures. Although after a fragility fracture appropriate treatment can curtail the risk of a second fracture by about 50%, treatment often is inadequate, especially for persons who have nonvertebral fractures.
Coronary artery calcification common with lupus
December 6th 2009The prevalence and extent of vascular calcification over the thoracic aorta and coronary and carotid arteries are greater in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) than in healthy persons. Because the process of atherosclerosis related to SLE disease activity is diffuse and widespread rather than limited to the coronary arteries, coronary calcification used alone as a marker for atherosclerosis may not disclose the association.
Do “red flags” signal serious pathology with low back pain?
December 6th 2009When patients present to primary care physicians with acute low back pain (LBP), a serious causative underlying pathology-cancer, fracture, or infection-is seldom identified. Some recommended “red flag” screening questions have high false-positive rates, casting doubt on the value of looking for bigger trouble when none is obvious.
Hip fractures going down but comorbidities going up
December 6th 2009Hip fractures were almost twice as common in women as in men during the study period. The age-adjusted incidence of hip fracture increased between 1986 and 1995 (9% for women, 16.4% for men) but then decreased from 1995 to 2005 (24.5% for women, 19.2% for men).
Pilates promise prevention of neck and shoulder disorders
December 5th 2009A Pilates training program was effective in improving arm-trunk posture, strength, flexibility, and biomechanical patterns during a functional shoulder flexion task in a study conducted by Canadian researchers. Emery and colleagues1 assessed 19 study participants; 10 persons in the experimental group entered a Pilates training program. The evaluation consisted of trials of seated posture, abdominal strength, shoulder range of motion, and maximal shoulder flexion; the investigators recorded neck, shoulder, and trunk kinematics and the activity of 16 muscles.
Security Rules Put Providers on Notice
December 4th 2009HITECH says covered entities must be able to monitor and record every time that patient data is accessed, enabling the entity to comply with the new notification requirements should unauthorized access occur. Will the new rules end up restricting the efficient exchange of data that is crucial to providing high-quality healthcare?