On the HCPLive news page, resources on the topics of disease- and specialty-specific medical news and expert insight can be found. Content includes articles, interviews, videos, podcasts, and breaking news on health care research, treatment, and drug development.
Osteoarthritis Summit Set For June 2011
June 30th 2010For the first time, Hospital for Special Surgery will host an international Osteoarthritis Summit in June 2011 that will bring together a comprehensive multidisciplinary group of world renowned scientists, thought-leaders and industry representatives from the US, Canada, and Europe.
Working Toward an International Definition for Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
June 29th 2010Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, in conjunction with other institutions, have developed the first international consensus formulation of a standardized nomenclature for cardiac allograft vasculopathy.
Combination Vaccine Therapy Linked to Higher Risk of Febrile Seizures
June 29th 2010Kaiser Permanente researchers have found that very young children vaccinated with a combination measles, mumps, and rubella and chickenpox vaccine are more likely to experience febrile seizures than children vaccinated separately for MMR and chickenpox.
Next Steps for NASPER: A Q&A with Dr. John F. Dombrowski
June 28th 2010With the passing of the National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act in 2005, the climate for establishing state prescription monitoring programs seemed to be moving in a brighter direction, but some issues still remain.
Pre-emptive Pain Regimen Cuts Down Post-Operative Opioid Use
June 25th 2010Administering a multimodal pain regimen that includes pregablin (Lyrics) prior to robotic-assisted laproscopic radical prostatectomy decreased patients' use of opioid analgesics afterward, according to researchers from the Thomas Jefferson University.
Parents with Mental Health Issues Rarely Asked about Children, Says Audit
June 24th 2010According to an audit presented at the International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, patients with mental health issues are infrequently asked whether or not they have children, which is a violation of patient safety guidelines.
Obesity, Weight Gain in Middle Age Associated with Diabetes Among Older Adults
June 24th 2010For each study measure, there was a graded increase in the risk of diabetes with increasing quantiles of adiposity. Participants in the highest category of adiposity had an approximately 2- to 6-fold increased risk compared with those in the lowest category.
Fentanyl Buccal Tablets Close to Receiving FDA Approval
June 24th 2010Watson Laboratories, Inc. recieved tentative approval from the Food and Drug Administration on its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for Fentanyl Citrate Buccal tablets, 100 mcg, 200 mcg, 300 mcg, 400 mcg, 600 mcg, and 800 mcg.
New Findings on Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery presented at ASMBS Annual Meeting
June 24th 2010Nearly 70 percent of women with sexual dysfunction no longer have the condition, and nearly all patients with high cholesterol had returned to normal levels, within six months of bariatric surgery and gastric bypass, respectively.
Prescription Drug Abuse Is an Equal Opportunity Epidemic
June 23rd 2010Family physicians are being worn out by the prescription drug epidemic, and patients in pain and needing opiates are bearing the brunt of our reluctance to prescribe these medications for fear of being audited or worse. It's time for real solutions to the problems of misuse, abuse, and diversion of prescription pain medications.