Did You Know…

Physician's Money DigestMay 31 2004
Volume 11
Issue 10

(Associated Press poll, 2004)

87%—Percentage of Americans who want the phrase "under God" preserved in the Pledge of Allegiance.

(Ad Age, 2004)

$2 million —Cost of a 30-second ad on the final episode of NBC-TV's Friends.

(BusinessWeek, 2004)

$76 —Average monthly home electric bill.

(New York Post, 2004)

$27 million —Annual salary of NBC-TV's Tonight Show host, Jay Leno

(Major League Baseball, 2004)

$19.82 —Average cost for a ticket to a Major League Baseball game.

(New York Post, 2004)

$4 billion —Average price for a townhouse in Manhattan.

(Wall Street Journal, 2004)

68.6%—Percentage of Americans who own their own home.

(ESPN, 2004)

98%—Percentage of National Football League fans who have never attended a pro game in person.

(Wall Street Journal, 2004)

$525,000 —Median annual compensation for a large to mid-size company CEO.

(USA Today, 2004)

$1.1 million —Winner's prize for this year's Masters golf tournament.

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