Physician's Money Digest
To make pertinent financial informationthat much more accessibleto doctors, () has upgraded its Web site(, bringing readersall the articles from our latest issues totheir home computers. No need tofumble through old clippings. We'vealso added several new features.
Physician's Money Digest:
OB/GYN Edition
Net showcases archived issuesof and . You can access eachissue's complete range of articles bycreating an online account, usingyour e-mail address and password.Use the handy search engine thatperuses by author, title, abstract, year,or volume, and the information isright at your fingertips.
Once you've located your articles,you can easily print or e-mail them withthe click of a button. My PrivateArchive enables you to browse througharticles and choose which ones to saveto your personal page, so that you canquickly refer to them. Market-savvyphysicians can also instantly sign up forour Doc's Stocks contest.
Thinking about having your workpublished in our publications? Aspiringwriters can look up authorguidelines on Net. The guidelinesexplain the process and requirementsfor submission.
Other regular features include afrequently updated poll, whichtracks readers'opinions on variouseconomic matters. To further yourmonetary research, Net provideslinks to great financial Web sites.
You may want to go straight to thesource and speak with the creators of. The site includes contact informationfor several staff members.
Feel free to contact us with yourquestions and comments and supplyus with feedback. Let us know whatyou like and dislike, and what youwould like to see in future issues andWeb updates.
Check out Net's new interfaceand enjoy your expanded experiencewith .