(USA Today, 2005)
63,000—Number of pizzerias in theUnited States.
(Putnam Investments, 2005)
41%—Percentage of income forretirees derived from Social Security.
(CNN/Money, 2005)
$1.21 million—Current averageprice of an apartment in Manhattan.
(FBI, 2004)
40%—Percentage of US robberieswhere the assailant did not use aweapon.
Everybody Loves Raymond
(Advertising Age, 2005)
$1.3 million—Cost for a 30-secondcommercial during the series finaleof CBS's .
(Time, 2005)
39—Maximum inches of your waistlinemeasurement before you runthe risk of diabetes.
(Advertising Age, 2005)
18.5 million—Number of drip coffeemakers purchased in 2004.
Street Journal, 2004)
29%—Percentage of Americans whoelect cremation upon death.
(AGA, 2005)
$27 billion—Total annual spendingby US consumers on casino gambling.
(Baseball Hall
of Fame, 2005)
1%—Percentage of all Major LeagueBaseball players who are inductedinto the Hall of Fame.