Take Insurance on Nonrefundable Airline Tickets

Physician's Money DigestJanuary 2006
Volume 13
Issue 1

Unless you're an avid first-class flyer,you probably tend to purchase the cheapestairline tickets possible, which are nonrefundable.But what if an emergency situationarises and you can't make yourflight? On top of whatever emergency youneed to worry about, you'll have to eat thecouple of hundred dollars you spent on theticket. Fortunately, if you had the foresightto purchase ticket protector insurance, allmay not be lost. Insurance for nonrefundabletickets is currently available throughContinental, Northwest, and America Westairlines, as well as select travel Web sites.With the insurance, nonrefundable ticketsare fully refunded up to a certain dollaramount, depending on the reason youmissed your flight. But, according to Bankrate.com, you need to make sure that youunderstand the various emergency reasonsthat are covered under the policy beforeyou purchase it. If you miss your flightbecause of a reason that isn't covered, youcould end up losing not only your ticketmoney but your insurance money as well.

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