Pooches and kitties now qualify to earnfrequent flier miles just like their humancompanions. Midwest Airlines'Premier PetProgram offers your pet one free flight forevery three paid roundtrip tickets or sixone-way flights. An added bonus is thatany person or animal that resides withinthe same home can combine trip rewards.Owners can also redeem their 15,000Midwest Miles for free roundtrip pet tickets.Some conditions do apply. Pets mustfly with owners, and service animals orpets shipped as cargo are excluded. Whenlooking for flights, keep in mind that petsare accepted on Boeing 717, MD-80, andBeech 1900 aircraft only. All pets must bein an approved carrier and are held in theforward compartment, which is temperature-controlled and pressurized. Pets andowners have 3 years to accumulate milesfor free travel. For more information onhow to earn free flights for your pet, contactMidwest Airlines at 800-452-2022 orvisit