The latest rage in homeremodeling costs only $4.99and requires a pair of steadyhands and a gun to install.Energy-conscious physiciansshould brush up ontheir caulking skills andinstall this permanent, silicone-based sealant incracks around windowsand doors to keep with thetrend—and cut this year'sincreased heating bills. Accordingto, simplysqueeze the handle until thecaulk starts to come out andapply in a smooth, continuousmotion. The Web site also recommendsrope caulk, an inexpensive, clay-likematerial that is an easy-to-use temporarysealant for windows and doors. Toinstall, peel off a section from the roll andapply to spaces beside windows. Comespringtime, it easily peels off and isreusable for the next year's cold weatherseason. Both caulking versions should bereadily available at your local hardwarestore. This winter more than ever, physiciansshould heed the advice of Bob Vilaand other home improvement gurus andstop their money from seeping through thecracks in their homes. The Energy InformationAdministration estimates thatheating a home in the Northeast with oilwill cost 31% more than last winter. If youlive in the Midwest and heat your homewith gas, you can expect a heating billthat's 71% higher. According to BCA Research,consumer energy expenditures willhave accounted for 1.2% of consumers'2005 aftertax income.