"The rash of bankruptcies amonghealth plans, independent practice associations,and physician practice managementcompanies that contract withphysicians has wreaked havoc in someparts of the country,"the AmericanMedical Association (AMA) states. "Thebankruptcy process can be extremelyintimidating, and many creditors—including physicians—stand to losefinancially. Given the number of healthcare bankruptcies that have alreadyoccurred, physicians need to understandthe basics of federal bankruptcylaws as they relate to health care entities.This is crucial if physicians are toprotect their rights and their interests."
The AMA has developed Bankruptciesin Healthcare: A Physician's Guide,addressing "bankruptcy laws as theyrelate to various types of health care andmanaged care entities and to provideguidance to physicians when they areimpacted by a bankruptcy."For moreinformation, call 800-621-8335 or