

Physician's Money Digest
March15 2003
Volume 10
Issue 5



If you put any faith in the SuperBowl theory, the 48-21 win by theTampa Bay Buccaneers in Januaryshould give you some hope. Orshould it? The Super Bowl indicatorsays if an NFC team or one fromthe original NFL wins, stocks willbe up by the end of the year. If theAFC team wins, stocks are headeddown. At one point, the indicatorhad a blistering 90% accuracy rate,but getting it wrong in 4 of the past5 years has dropped its batting averageto 80.5%. But don't bet thefarm on an up stock market yet,some pessimistic prognosticatorssay. The Bucs started as an AFCteam in 1976 before moving to theNFC the following year, whichmeans that stocks may be headedfor a 4th straight losing season.

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