Physician's Money DigestMarch15 2003
Volume 10
Issue 5

As a physician struggling to keepyour practice organized, advice andassistance on practice management isalways welcome. WebMD Corporationprovides several different information,transaction, and technologyservices to help you, other health careproviders, your patients, and insurancecompanies to smoothly navigatethe health care system's quirks. VisitWebMD.com and check out what theleading providers of online healthinformation, electronic data interchange(EDI) services, and practicemanagement software and serviceshave to offer physicians.

The site has 4 key operations.WebMD Health offers consumer-focusedhealth care information tohelp your patients play an active rolein managing their health. The Medscapeportal from WebMD reaches1.6 million health care professionals,providing clinical information andeducational tools to help physiciansbetter their practice. It includes integratedmedical information and educationtools, including online CMEs,coverage of medical conferences,access to over 100 medical journals,and daily news items.

WebMD Envoy provides EDI andrelated services to physicians, pharmacists,and insurance companies,among others, which streamlines thebilling process. It reduces costs associatedwith processing claims, determiningeligibility and coverage,patient billing, and provider reimbursement.WebMD Medical Managerprovides integrated physicianpractice management systems, structuringadministrative, financial, andclinical applications. All of WebMD'sservices provide interactive portalsthat link every group in the healthcare process.

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