The HCPLive spondyloarthritis page is a resource for medical news and expert insights on spondylitis. This page features expert-led coverage, articles, videos and research on the therapies and development of treatments for autoimmune disease, and more.
October 23rd 2024
Malignancy-related IBP has distinct features: shorter diagnosis time, higher ESR/CRP/LDH, lower hemoglobin, and often involves metastasis or paraneoplastic causes.
Tips for Talking to a Dying Patient
May 11th 2016When a patient is dying, it can be difficult to know what to say to them. Here are a few tips and approaches that I have gathered from experts that I hope will help you get through those hard conversations while continuing to provide the best possible care to your patient.
Balancing Treatment and Disease Burden of Arthritis in Young Patients
Researchers explored how people aged 16 to 25 years old with inflammatory arthritis evaluate the risks and benefits of treatment. They especially wanted to focus on the patients’ assessments of biologic therapies.
Timely Use of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors Effectively Manages Psoriatic Arthritis
A new analysis of treatment costs and trial outcomes concludes that immediate use of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFis) is a cost-effective strategy for managing psoriatic arthritis patients with both skin and joint involvement but not for managing those patients with joint disease alone.