The Millionaire
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Millionaire Women Next Door
According to the latest book from Dr.Thomas Stanley, coauthor of (Andrews McMeelPublishing; 2001), women millionairesare even stingier than men. In his newbook, (Andrews McMeel Publishing; 2004),Dr. Stanley notes that, despite a networth of $2.9 million and a householdincome of more than $240,000 a year,the average female millionaire hasnever spent more than $300,000 for ahouse or paid more than $139 for apair of shoes. More than half of thesewomen are less likely to go out andbuy a new outfit than have their oldclothes mended or altered. How cheapis cheap? One millionaire woman putoff replacing an old dryer with a brokendoor for 10 years, using a discardedpiece of lumber to hold the doorshut instead.