As all of us know from personal experience,ours is a test-obsessed society—from the SATs to 's"What Is Your Sexual IQ?" We hatethem, but we're fascinated by them, sowe do them. We especially can't resistthe guilty pleasure of a fast magazine-typeversion that carries no consequences,particularly if no one else has tosee the results. As a public service gestureand a bit of a break, I have developeda somewhat tongue-and-cheekquiz to rapidly assess some of your financialknowledge. The process will take justa minute and should be more fun thanfunctional, if you're the scoring type,and what doctor isn't?
If you have kept track of youranswers, score 10 points for each.Notice I didn't say for which answer orwhat a normative total implies. That'sthe way it goes in financial affairs. Butbe of good cheer; everyone in my classreceives an A!
Jeff Brown, MD, CPE, a practicing
physician who is a partner on
the Stanford University Graduate
School of Business Alumni Consulting
Team, teaches in the Stanford
School of Medicine Family
Practice Program. He welcomes questions or
comments at