Wall Street
If you're a frequent traveler, you mayhave observed that some flights appear tobe canceled more than others, and you'recorrect. According to the , the most oft-canceled flights arethose with light passenger loads flying intoand out of big hubs. In case of possiblegrounding issues, such as bad weather ormechanical problems, planes with thefewest number of passengers make themost sense to call off. For example, UnitedAirlines flight 650 from Chicago to NewYork was canceled 25% of the time inOctober 2005. If you're concerned thatyour next flight will be grounded, you cancheck which flights are the most frequentlycanceled at FlightStats.com. Their Website provides rates of cancellation, diversion,tardiness, and maximum and minimumdelays. By using this database, youcan choose the most dependable flightand get to where you're going on time andwithout headaches.