Wall Street Journal
A recent study by the InsuranceInformation Institute revealed that premiumrates for individual life insurancepolicies should fall another 3% in2006, continuing a rate of decline overthe past several years. According to the, the rate drop willmean that on a $500,000 20-year policy,a 40-year-old male nonsmoker willpay an annual premium of $641. Tenyears ago, the premium would havebeen significantly higher at $1050. Inlight of the cheaper rates, many policyholdersshould consider replacing theirexisting insurance policy, especially ifit's over 5 years old. According to thearticle, among the reasons rateshave dropped so sharply over the pastdecade are increased life expectancy,corporate operational efficiencies, morecompetition within the industry, andthe growing popularity of term lifeinsurance. To shop for and compareterm life policies, visit Accuquote.com,InsWeb.com, or LifeInsuranceWiz.com.