Most education-advocating physicianswould love to see their child get into oneof America's most selective colleges, suchas Princeton, Harvard, Yale, etc. So if youreally want to make sure your child doeseverything they can to get accepted, youmay want to loosen your purse strings andhire an independent consultant. Accordingto , these advisors giveguidance to the prospective student andhelp them stand out from the pack. Theyhelp the child with such things as what toput on a college application, what precollegecourses to take, and what extracurricularactivities to pursue. The advisor alsopreps teens for interviews and helps thembrainstorm compelling essay ideas. Themain goal of the advisor is to figure outthe child's best traits, then use them towow an admissions officer. The service canrun upwards of $30,000, but parents feelthat they're getting more than theirmoney's worth if it helps their child succeed.Despite the cost, 22% of new freshmanat private 4-year colleges this yearhave used an independent counselor.