(Reader's Digest, 2003)
43%—Percentage of all weddings thatare second marriages for at least 1 personinvolved.
(MyMedCab.com, 2003)
63%—Percentage of Americans whohave outdated medicines in theirhomes.
(WallStreet Journal, 2003)
67%—Percentage of Americans whosay they need a long vacation.
(JAMA, 2003)
45.7%—Percentage of current medicalschool students who are women.
Wheel of Fortune. (Ad Age, 2003)
$75,781 —Cost of a 30-second TV adon
Dr. Phil. ( Ad Age, 2003)
$24,982 —Cost of a 30-second TV adon
The Jerry Springer Show. (AdAge, 2003)
$16,000 —Cost of a 30-second TV adon
(Forbes, 2003)
$40.7 billion —New worth ofMicrosoft cofounder and chairman,Bill Gates.
(New YorkTimes, 2003)
$45 billion —Medicare spending onphysician services in 2002.
(New York Times, 2003)
$105 billion —Medicare spendingon inpatient hospital care in 2002.