If you're looking for affordabletravel alternatives, JetBlue (800-538-2583; www.jetblue.com) maybe your ticket. The small airlinestarted with a hefty pile of cash justabout 3 years ago and has pursueda program of planned expansionthat has turned the low-cost carrierinto a major player in the industry.Low fares aren't the whole story,either; the airline boasts brand newplanes with leather seats, 24 channelsof DirecTV satellite programming,and attentive customer service.Flights originate from the airline'shubs at New York's JFK andLong Beach, Calif. Most flightsfrom JFK are destined for Florida'scoastal cities or 1 of several destinationsin upstate New York. There arealso flights to Las Vegas, Seattle,New Orleans, and Denver, with aJFK-San Diego flight scheduled tostart in June.